They aren’t talking about headship.

Spike writes:

Dalrock: It’s Sunday in Australia. I just got a sermon about “servant leadership”, plus how there is an obligation for men to be faithful and be “The husband of only one wife”, which is fine. My problem is that no church I know makes it clear what the wife’s obligation to her husband is.

The problem unfortunately is much worse than Spike states.  When modern Christians refer to servant leadership they aren’t talking about headship.  Servant leader is a term one uses when one wishes to obliterate and deny headship.  Individually the words are right, but the term servant leader has no more to do with biblical headship than the term free love has to do with 1 Cor 13.  Yes, the Apostle Paul is writing about love, and no, this isn’t something we should be stingy with or charge for.  So free is right, and love is right, but free love means something entirely different.  Likewise servant is right, and leader is right, but servant leader in our culture means something entirely different than headship.

For those who disagree, show an example of a modern Christian using the term servant leader who isn’t using it in the context of denying or explaining away headship.


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