Fox News has a story on four men who were accused of rape but had the charges dropped after video evidence contradicted the accusation.
Prosecutors dropped the charges against Poria Edalat, 30, Saman Edalat, 39, Sina Edalat, 34, and Ali Badkoobehi, 30, after the defendants presented the video to the district attorney’s office, KVVU-TV reported.
What struck me about the story was how careful the falsely accused men were to pay homage to the very hysteria they were caught up in. Three of the men are brothers, and their statement included their pledge of loyalty to the real #MeToo movement:
At this sensitive moment in our history, we believe that women should be respected and heard and believed. But as this case shows, it is also important to keep a critical eye on those willing to use the (#MeToo) movement for their own selfish motives and remember that innocent until proven guilty is one of our country’s bedrock principles.
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