Things my wife says.

On the changes to Dexter (less killings, more drama):

Why do they have to chickify every show we like!  If women don’t want to watch it, then let them go have an estrogen moment somewhere else!

Blurted out when asked for her opinion on a shell (topper) for our pickup truck (perhaps it was a tad on the redneck side):

If we buy that one, everyone will think we are driving into town for a pie eating contest.

On Bitchy Women/Girls:

Do you want to end up 40 and divorced?

On Bitchy Men:

Man bitchiness is like broccoli on ice cream. It’s disgusting, unacceptable, and downright wrong.

On men who don’t stand up to their wives:


On men who are too controlling over their wives:


Note: By my informal count the ratio of balless to asshole men appears to be about 4-1.  Also note her own take on the whole Alpha Beta spectrum (the first letters even match).

On women who are too controlling of their husbands:

I wonder if she ever lets him have his balls back.

On golf:

Golf is the sport men play because their wives let them play it.  They should do something more manly.

Dating advice to our newborn son after learning about her brother’s latest girlfriend:

Stay away from cougars!

On a group of especially bitchy 13 year old girls:

Future ex wives of America club.


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