Today being Father’s Day I thought I’d break my blogging hiatus to honor the real heroes of the holiday.
I’m sure you already know who I’m thinking about. That’s right, single mothers. I’m not talking about widows or the rare exception to excuse #6. I’m talking about the ever growing number of heroic women who have children out of wedlock as well as their slightly more traditional sisters, women who marry before having children and then bravely expel their husband from the home of his children. In honor of Stanton’s heroes, I bring you Kerri Zane at the Huffington Post’s 5 Ways for Single Moms to Celebrate Father’s Day.
Proudly embrace your mom and dadness. Single moms by decision, or because Dad’s ditched the scene, don their breeches and stilettos every day. Today is no different, except you get to honor the amazing both part parents that you are! Round up your village to join in the celebration, put on your daddy cap, and fully own that you get two special Hallmark holidays.
Besides, in addition to being both mom and dad, large numbers of single mothers also provide a steady stream of father figures to help their children grow up happy and well adjusted. Why settle for just one dad when an enterprising single mother can provide dads by the truckload. The lucky children of single mothers are frequently treated to a veritable parade of father figures! Fortunately these enterprising single mothers don’t go unrewarded for their keeping the hopper full of almost like dads. As Ms. Zane explained just a few months ago jumping from one sex partner to the next is one of the 5 Reasons It’s Better To Be A Single Parent:
Married couples may have more sex, but it isn’t nearly as much fun. While they constantly have to “spice it up” in the bedroom, the nature of being single and switching partners does all the cooking for us. We tease, experiment and explore the bawdy awareness of every new lover. Researchers at the University of Pisa found that testosterone levels, in both men and women, make the sex hotter during the first two years of a relationship.
Edit: You may also enjoy this site my wife found full of fantastic gifts for single mothers on father’s day:
Edit2: Donal Graeme has a post inviting you to share your church’s father’s day sermon here.
See also:
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