Tony Katz is too stingy to pay respect.

Conservative Radio host Tony Katz has a post up titled The World Needs More Men Not Boys. Not Social Justice Indoctrinated College Weenies. Men.

Katz rightly takes aim at the SJWs on college campuses teaching that masculinity is toxic:

College, it seems, thinks being a man is nothing more than a catch phrase for being an unrepentant rapist even if you’ve never had such a disgusting thought in your life, nor actually commited the violent act! In college, being a man means you’re unable to find love, incapable of dealing with your feelings, have (or one day will have!) contributed to the degredation of all women everywhere and, therefore, must be neutered in public and private.

But while criticizing SJWs for disrespecting manhood, Katz manages to disrespect respectable men.  Katz claims that as a real man, he is a rarity in a sea of boys:

Ive been a man all my life. My father was a man. My grandfathers were both men. My great great great grandfather was a man, as was his father before him.

…an entire generation of men are refusing to act like men because an entire generation of social justice lying jerks have told men that acting like men is a crime against themselves and humanity.

There are many males out there but there are very few men left in the world.

While we do seem to be witnessing changes on the margins, it simply isn’t true that the vast majority of men are irresponsible.  Feminism depends on men continuing to be men, and so far at least this gamble has worked quite well.  What is lacking is a sense of propriety by men towards other men.  We have become profoundly miserly with respect for respectable men.  This isn’t just a problem of a few showboating DJs or pastors posing as the only real man in the room;  this problem is widespread, and far more serious than the cancer of SJWs at our universities.

Some day the claim that most men aren’t responsible might actually become true, and as despicable as they are, SJWs won’t be the primary culprits for the massive social change.  The primary culprits will be the very men we so regularly see puffing themselves up as the specimen of glorious manhood amongst a sea of weakling boys.  The irony here is huge, because men like Katz are posing as the brave defenders of manhood standing up to to the SJW bullies.  But in reality they are taking the easy and cowardly way out by attacking the very men the SJW bullies so desperately want to eradicate.  They are sending the message to young men that if they become respectable not only will the radicals on campus despise them, but that other respectable men will likewise treat them with contempt.  The message is clear; respect isn’t on offer, even (and especially) from the most vocal voices pleading for more respectable men.

If Katz really wants to stand up to the SJWs he should instead honor the average men all around him who are quietly doing their duties despite a legal system and culture that holds respectable men with contempt.

H/T Instapundit


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