The Traditional Sex Roles Week #BackToTheKitchen hashtag saw hundreds of tweets this week. Here is an attempt to compile the best ones (in no particular order):
"Does this PhD make me look thinner?" No. #backtothekitchen
— LaidNYC (@LaidNYC) February 6, 2014
There are men who actually desire a career driven woman. Unfortunatley, these are not the men you girls want to date. #BackToTheKitchen
— Law Dogger (@LawDogger) February 4, 2014
As a mother who cherishes her traditional roll, I’m making the greatest contribution to society any woman could ever give #BackToTheKitchen
— RedPillWoman (@RedPillWoman) February 5, 2014
Sheryl Sandberg doesn’t want women to get #backtothekitchen, because then they can’t become her unpaid slave interns.
— Emmanuel Goldstein (@Goldsteineum) February 4, 2014
Why is it that “empowered feminist” are always so miserable yet feminine conservative women tend to be positive and happy? #backtothekitchen
— #1 E-Lawyer (@OhGeisty) February 4, 2014
I don’t need feminism to tell me what I want, to measure my validity as a woman #backtothekitchen
— Margery (The Woman) (@thewomanmargery) February 4, 2014
Does being a partner in a dual-careerist household of symmetrical domestic duties and expectations sound romantic to you? #backtothekitchen
— John Glanton (@ThenTheJudgment) February 4, 2014
A girl bragging she can’t cook or iron is like a dude bragging he can’t put his own bag in the overhead compartment. #BackToTheKitchen
— Tuthmosis (@tuthmos) February 3, 2014
You’re not independent if your paycheck comes from a company owned by a man. #backtothekitchen
— runsonmagic (@runsonmagic) February 3, 2014
You can serve your boss or to your husband. Either way you serve a man. Why not serve the one who loves you. #backtothekitchen
— Free Northerner (@FreeNortherner) February 3, 2014
Girls today can drink like their fathers, but can’t cook like their mothers. #backtothekitchen
— JT Styles (@TheJTStyles) February 3, 2014
Baking pies and making babies > attending graduate school and accruing student loans. #BackToTheKitchen
— Sunshine Mary (@SunshineMarySSM) February 3, 2014
A wife with a career is as silly as a car with two steering wheels. No wonder modern women are so hopped up on prozac. #BackToTheKitchen
— Emmanuel Goldstein (@Goldsteineum) February 3, 2014
Cutting my own hair. About to give myself a pixie… Just kidding I enjoy being female #BackToTheKitchen
— Kaitlyn Sploosh (@kaitlynsploosh) February 7, 2014
“I really wish I’d spent more time at the office,” said no dying woman ever. #backtothekitchen
— runsonmagic (@runsonmagic) February 5, 2014
Read Next: Top 14 Tweets From Fat Shaming Week
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