While we’re accustomed to people having their lives torn apart by angry Twitter lynch mobs over things they’ve said, sometimes you don’t even have to do that much to lose your job. Witness Shawn Simoes, a Toronto man who was fired from his job at Ontario electricity company Hydro One after he was involved in a “FHRITP” (Fuck Her Right In The Pussy) incident with CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt:
Shawn Simoes didn’t even have to say the words.
The soccer fan who used vulgar language with CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt in a “FHRITP” video has been fired from his high-paying job at crown corporation Hydro One, Toronto Sun reporter Jenny Yuen tweeted Tuesday.
As the HuffPo report acknowledges, Simoes wasn’t the one who actually yelled “fuck her right in the pussy” at Hunt; his involvement was limited to explaining why he thought it was funny. In the video, Simoes is the man at the end wearing the yellow Fly Emirates shirt:
Additionally, Simoes didn’t volunteer the information himself: Hunt asked him questions and he gave her answers, which is what people who are interviewed by journalists are supposed to do.
Simoes’ termination for simply answering a reporter’s questions honestly—not even engaging in questionable conduct himself, but being asked about questionable conduct—represent a new low for Western society. While online SJW lynch mobs have been enforcing crowdsourced censorship on individuals for a while now, Simoes’ firing shows that if you’re merely in the vicinity of someone they dislike, you’ll get the boot.
A Brief History Of A Dumb Meme
For those unaware, “Fuck Her Right in the Pussy” is an Internet meme that began last year as an Internet hoax. A number of videos surfaced that showed a man named “Fred” purportedly videobombing local news reporters by shouting “fuck her right in the pussy” in an attempt to embarrass them:
Since then, the meme has gone worldwide, with numerous pranksters shouting it at newscasters and TV reporters. Just yesterday, CBC Calgary reported that a man who yelled “fuck her right in the pussy” at a reporter was charged with stunting, a traffic-related offense in Alberta.
While I think yelling obscenities at a reporter trying to do her job is disrespectful and stupid, slapping FHRITP pranksters with bogus traffic tickets or getting them fired from their jobs is by far the greater evil. Trying to steal attention away from a journalist in the middle of a story is a narcissistic and moronic act, but it’s ultimately one that doesn’t hurt anyone, unless you consider bruised feelings to be some kind of palpable harm.
More importantly, Shawn Simoes was not the man who yelled “fuck her right in the pussy” on camera. His “crime” was trying to explain to Shauna Hunt why he thought it was funny. He’s being punished for his honesty and for actually doing what the reporter asked of him. Him losing his job over this is so ludicrous and absurd that it reads like the beginning of a Terry Gilliam movie.
Don’t Fear The Penis
A large part of the overreaction to FHRITP is driven by young women’s fear of male sexuality. A recent CBC article on the phenomenon of “Fuck Her Right in the Pussy” incidents brims with so much misandry that it could have been published by Jezebel or The Guardian:
“For people who are aware of the internet phenomenon, it might have seemed like a rude joke. But I hadn’t seen the videos online, so I felt shocked and violated by the words. It felt personal. Not just a catchphrase, but more of a taunt suggesting that the men around me, instead of talking to me, should be, you know, raping me,” Birkbeck wrote.
“My reaction was visceral. People around me stopped and stared. I felt totally exposed.”
As idiotic as yelling “fuck her right in the pussy” is while a reporter is covering a story, at the end of the day, it’s just six words. Yet these women are acting as if they were bent over a chair and violently sodomized. It’s unsurprising that the reporter who became famous for “fighting back” against these incidents is a fat girl from Toronto, one of the most feminist cities in the world.
This discomfort with and fear of normal, healthy masculinity is what drives Western feminism and female dysfunction in general. For example, the agita against “manspreading” on the New York City Subway is driven by young womens’ fear of coming into contact with strange men. Girls in New York are so lacking in social skills that they can’t simply ask a guy who’s taking up too much space for their liking if they can sit down next to him: they have to bully a government agency into doing it for them.
Western girls’ sudden fear of male sexuality is the product of how they are raised. In contrast to more traditional cultures, where boys and girls are raised as part of an integrated family unit, American (and Canadian) children are raised in age- and gender-segregated bubbles. At the same time, girls are fed a constant diet of propaganda teaching them that society is patriarchal and men are evil rapists who are responsible for all their misfortunes.
While it’s unfortunate that girls have to put up with jerks in their day-to-day lives, pinning the blame for their idiocy on men as a whole is unjustified and wrong. More importantly, men whose only crime is being truthful should not be punished for it.
Shawn Simoes should be reinstated to his job and the female reporters losing their minds over “fuck her right in the pussy” need to get some perspective. Words only have as much power as you give them.
Read More: Why You Should Have A “Fuck You” Fund
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