Trad Con Tourette’s Syndrome (TCTS) is a mental disorder suffered by many Traditional Conservatives, characterized by involuntarily blurting out feminist slogans and/or pedestalizing women.
Causes and symptoms
The cause of TCTS is unknown. Those suffering from TCTS can be readily identified by their compulsive need to write or speak feminist slogans and pedestalize women while simultaniously claiming to be a Traditional Conservative. Note the claim of being Traditional Conservative is crucial for the accurate diagnosis of TCTS, as this is what separates it from Deranged Feminist Syndrome (DFS) and Proud Mangina Syndrome (PMS, See also Manboobz). Consider the following compulsive feminist slogans (H/T Ferdinand):
[Men in the manosphere] talk about how women aren’t worthy of their greatness but are (insert crude term here) who need to be forced back into their place as serving wench, with our obviously inferior minds and anatomy.
[good men are] kindly respectful of women, regardless of whether or not the woman is acting like a lady. They would never think of using the crude terms flung around the manosphere.
While the use of hyperbole in mocking traditional sex roles and demands that sluts and ladies receive equal respect would be signs of DFS when stated in the context of a Women’s Studies class or a slutwalk, in this case they are symptoms of advanced TCTS. These statements differ from symptoms of Deranged Feminist Syndrome because they were written by a woman who by all outward appearances is traditional and submissive. TCTS can be positively diagnosed in this case by the contradiction between her words and how she presents herself to the world.
As much as those unable to restrain their spontaneous feminist slogans suffer, TCTS is even more devastating to those Traditional Conservatives who compulsively pedestalize women. This can manifest in claims that women are innately good, uncontrollable man up rants, or in an irresistible need to worship women:
I was taught that real men fall to their knees in adoration and humility before God,mothers and children.
The only known cures for TCTS are the use of corrective lenses and a TCTS inhibiting prescription commonly called the red pill. If either one of these treatments are followed the condition is 100% curable. However, those suffering from TCTS are notoriously unwilling to admit they have a problem and often resist treatment.
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