Tranny Activists And Feminists Are Starting To Attack Each Other

Tranny Activists And Feminists Are Starting To Attack Each Other

One of many problems leftists have is that they don’t understand basic biology, such as what the word female means. However—to their credit—some radical feminists are more intelligent than that, and actually know what a woman is. This puts them at odds with those who think a man can become a woman simply by declaring he is one and putting on a dress. Although this make-believe isn’t much different from a young child making a wish, it’s the Current Year’s latest orthodoxy that mustn’t be questioned.

Note that I generally don’t care for radical feminists, because of the many ways they’ve damaged society, wrecked our future, and encouraged discord between the sexes. However, even as dreadfully wrong as they are, I certainly don’t condone violence against them. Bashing little old ladies is certainly out of the question. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happened recently.

The Homintern strikes a blow for “tolerance”

A Daily Mail article titled “Sixty-year-old woman is shoved to the ground as fists fly in a punch-up between transgender activists and their extreme feminist rivals in Hyde Park states:

Two factions—the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (or so-called TERFs) and their bitter enemies Trans Activists—clashed in an unseemly bust-up that ended with a 60-year-old woman being bundled to the ground and punched in the face. The incident was caught on video and is now being investigated by the police.

Mother-of-two Maria MacLachlan, who describes herself as a ‘gender critical feminist’, was attacked at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park at about 7pm on Wednesday.

She had joined around 50 fellow TERFs who were to be given details of the secret location for a talk entitled What Is Gender? The Gender Recognition Act And Beyond.

As the article explains, the TERFs had invited Miranda Yardley, “a prominent transgender writer”, to speak at the event as well. So then this wasn’t going to be an echo chamber, but rather a dialogue of sorts. That sounds pretty inclusive even; so far so good, at least in the beginning.

They first intended to meet at a public venue, but changed their minds following “online warnings of a protest”. However, someone must have tipped off their enemies concerning their whereabouts. While they were gathered waiting for final directions to their private meeting, they were set upon by the forces of peace, love, and tolerance.

Among the groups threatening to protest were the LGBTQ+ Society from Goldsmiths University, an organisation called Sisters Uncut, and Action For Trans Health London. Ms MacLachlan told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I was chatting to one of the speakers, Miranda Yardley, and people started to come who looked different to the rest of us. There was quite a generation thing.

‘These studenty-looking types were turning up and some arguments started to take place but I kept well out of it.’

Another intended speaker tried to address the crowd of Social Justice Warriors, but quickly got shouted down. Then:

‘I thought, “I can film this, it will be interesting.” They were getting louder and louder. Then suddenly someone tried to grab my camera. It was scary. Someone kept trying to get my camera. I think it was a girl, but I couldn’t tell because they had a hoodie over their eyes.’

Troublemakers concealing their faces? That sounds rather familiar… Where have we seen this before?

Although she wasn’t even arguing with anyone, and was only taking pictures, the following happened:

Her Lumix camera was smashed and the memory card stolen. She also sustained a nasty bruise on her face, red marks on her neck and grazed knees. She added: ‘I didn’t go to hospital but it has really shaken me up.’

So a senior citizen got punched and choked and forced onto the ground, her camera was smashed, and its chip was stolen. The TERFs called the police, and six officers arrived on the scene, but nobody got arrested.

Since multiple laws were broken, I hope they’re going to do something about it. The tranny supporters certainly weren’t a spontaneous gathering. Since the mob was clearly organized, I’ll bet pounds to crumpets that someone knows who battered Maria MacLaughlan. We’ll have to see; unfortunately, British police seem to be having a lot of trouble doing their jobs lately because of political correctness.

The TERFs finally got the location information and—despite having been attacked—left for their meeting. But:

They left in small groups hoping not to be followed but were tracked down by the activists. Another feminist, Jen Izaakson, said tension remained high at the venue. She added: ‘The staff had to form a human chain to let our people in and keep protesters out.’

Were the police still there while they were trying to leave? The article doesn’t mention that, but if they were, I’d like to know what were they doing. And if it couldn’t get any more surreal:

Action for Trans Health London issued a statement saying: ‘We condemn violence against women in all forms. We’re proud that many self-organising activists, allies and supporters stood against hatred, misogyny and intimidation.’

First of all, what does any of this have to do with “misogyny”? This was simply a nasty episode of political violence. Second, it seems a little disingenuous that they would try to grab the moral high ground. This was one of the groups intending to protest people holding a private political discussion, whereupon things got pretty ugly.

Still, I’ll give them credit for making a conciliatory gesture, even if the delivery wasn’t the best. Believe it or not, some fruitcake gloated about the attack. Apparently, according to that person’s enlightened opinion, anyone who believes that males and females are real and unchanging categories deserves to be hit.

What does this tell us?

Tranny Activists And Feminists Are Starting To Attack Each Other

Someone didn’t get enough hugs as a kid.

By now, it’s hardly a surprise to us that there are leftists who will stop at nothing to prevent dissident thought from being voiced. The Jacobins and Bolsheviks ended up cannibalizing themselves, and it looks like cultural Marxism is headed that way too. Normally, I’d be on the sidelines selling popcorn to the onlookers. However, roughing up senior citizens is particularly vile, even when you thoroughly disagree with them.

Interestingly, this episode shows us that the TERFs have to meet in secret—just like political dissidents more familiar to us—lest they be badgered or subjected to violence. Ladies, welcome to our world. Although radical feminism was (and still is) one of the major pestilences spreading chaos throughout society, they’ll be on target if they don’t obey the new Party Line. There aren’t very many sensible leftists these days—and even fewer allowed near a microphone—but they should consider this a wake-up call.

It’s rather strange. Radical feminism began during the mid-1950s, reaching a fever pitch a decade later. Since then, they’ve steamrollered their way across the sociopolitical landscape. For the most part, they only encountered token opposition from normal society, but even spirited efforts haven’t thwarted their agenda. However, they rolled off a cliff when the transgender agenda became the left’s latest orthodoxy. Even CIA agent Gloria Steinem—yes, Her Majesty Gloria if you can believe it—has seen which way things are going and had to reverse course on the transdoodle issue.

Feminism has been described as a societal Shit Test that we’ve failed. I’ll add that they’re hardly the only group that played that tactic to the hilt. I have to wonder what would’ve happened if the Silent Generation had found its voice back in the day. Suppose they’d stood up as one and told the feminists, the GLBT crowd, the hippies, and all the other disaffected types to cut it out until they learn to express themselves in reasoned debate. If they’d done so, we’d be in a far better place today.

Tranny Activists And Feminists Are Starting To Attack Each Other

It’s time for the public to set aside apathy and stand together at last. We must confront the whole freak show and make them understand that they need to knock it off with their antics. Although society has gone to hell for the last six decades, it’s better late than never!

Read More: 4 Ridiculous “Crimes” British Police Investigated Instead Of Preventing The Westminster Terrorist Attack


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