Badger has an excellent post up titled Treating Her Like A Guy (check it out, I’ll wait). He makes the point that pedistalization is often about treating women as if the rules don’t apply to them:
In this case, the answer is to use the opposite mental technique – adopt a bit of a sense that she is just one of the guys, and don’t treat her with any special favors you wouldn’t give a guy in a similar situation. In other words, “are you doing things for a female prospect that you would never do for a male friend?”
Does she say something silly? Call her on it, just like you would with the guys, and get her to laugh at herself.
I don’t have any insight to add beyond Badger’s wisdom, except to note that one complaint I’ve seen about those teaching game is they don’t always offer enough concrete examples for men to use as a how-to. After you’ve read Badger’s worthy post, you might benefit from this fairly crass but still instructional video. In the video a young man makes the exact mistake Badger is referring to. He supplicates to the young woman when he should be demonstrating his higher value. He is unfortunately but not unexpectedly quickly placed in the friend zone. However, he soon recovers and learns to treat her as if she were just another one of the guys. Here is another scene (with the same warning of crassness) where they meet again.
I hope this helps shed some light on what can be an otherwise difficult to grasp concept.
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