If you haven’t watched Tucker Carlson’s new show on Fox*, it is worth watching purely for entertainment value. Carlson has an unmatched ability to get his guests to say the most ridiculous things. It is truly extraordinary.
Earlier this week Carlson interviewed Stephen Ledrew, formerly the president of Canada’s Liberal Party, regarding Canadian teachers being taught about the “LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP community.”
Well, the tolerance police have a lot of power here in America, in case you haven’t noticed, but they’re even stronger in Canada. Just yesterday Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau delivered an official apology to gay and transgender Canadians for the past state discrimination against them. But now, teachers in Durham, Ontario, had to attend an inclusiveness training course for the–deep breath here–LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP community, which is apparently a community. That 15-letter acronym, intended to encompass all sexual minorities, may soon be required soon at schools.
Anyone trying to defend the obvious absurdity of LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP is naturally going to need to play a game of motte and bailey. In the interview, Ledrew does his best to pretend that no one really wants to make LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP part of the culture, as LGBTQ is the acronym everyone currently uses. As the argument goes, critics like Carlson are the ones being absurd by even bringing the idea of LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP up. But Carlson knows that Ledrew has a problem; Ledrew can’t criticize the absurdity of LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP without risking the wrath of the SJWs behind this latest culture war offensive. Ledrew wants to imply that no one takes LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP seriously, but he simultaneously has to take LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP seriously or he knows he will be cast out of the warren for being insufficiently inclusive.
Watch as Carlson calmly and effortlessly maneuvers Ledrew from the motte to the bailey, forcing Ledrew to either defend the indefensible or betray the SJW objective. As so often happens on Carlson’s program, hilarity ensues.
*I was pleasantly surprised at how good Carlson is at his craft, as I have been critical of him in the past.
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