Turnabout is fair play.

Parents at a Northern California high school are outraged that the time honored tradition of hooking up with varsity athletes has been turned into something dirty.  According to the Piedmont Patch:

What has apparently been an open secret at Piedmont High School for several years — the existence of a “Fantasy Slut League” where male varsity athletes amass “points” for sexual activity with female students — became public Friday when the school district issued a notice to parents of PHS students.

Casual sex is serious business, and this kind of thinking is exactly what is putting women’s sacred path to marriage in jeopardy.  Still, I have an idea for the beleaguered alpha chasers at Piedmont High.  Turn the tables on them!  As Vox Day points out in his current post, women are eager to expand the definition of slut to include promiscuous men.  Now is the time to take advantage of this new wave in male slut shaming.  The alphas at Piedmont High won’t know what hit them!

All the alpha chasers have to do is form a fantasy slut league of their own.  Then they can lure unsuspecting alphas into having sex with them, and document the sordid details while celebrating their conquests!

When the moxie and equality filled ladies of Piedmont High implement this strategy, they can take a page out of the playbook of another group of high school men who had a similar club two years ago:

Those boys broke up into teams — one was dubbed “the Southside Slampigs” — and organized an “opening day” party where the mission was to hook up with as many unsuspecting draftees as possible, the Times reported.

See also:  Slut!


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