Two lists every woman should make before frivolously divorcing

This will be a short post, but may well be the most important thing you take away from my blog.  Every woman considering divorce without serious cause should make up two lists, a sort of pros and cons:

List #1:  Women who have your back, and know you can do better.

List #2:  Women who will forever taunt and torment you for letting such a good man go.

I’m guessing by now you can already see the benefits of having these lists all sorted out.  You have to know who you are dealing with.  The first list is pretty easy.  You know which of your girlfriends, female coworkers, and female relatives are sure you could do better than mister boring loyal dude.  Don’t forget about women on Facebook, too.  So write out the top 10 women and sort them in the order that they voice this opinion.  The louder the voice, the higher the number (up to 10).  Feel free to take a bit of time sorting this out.  You really want to know who has your back.

Now that you have this valuable list, you really ought to make a copy for safekeeping.  Go ahead and do this now.  The internet can wait.

Now take the copy you just made of list #1 and cross out the title and replace it with the title of list #2;  this isn’t really a backup copy, this is your list #2.  There is one last change you should make though;  find your mother on list #2 and bump her up a few slots.  I’d say at least 2 or 3, maybe more.  If she was already number 10 or wasn’t on the list at all, go ahead and put her down as #11.  While you are at it, go ahead and bump the rest of them up a number as well.

Oh, and don’t worry about keeping backup copies of list #2.  The women on the list won’t ever let you forget, so in a sense it will always be handy.


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