Two years, two million hits, and a Ph.D in Red Pill Pharmacy

I started this blog on Father’s Day in 2010, with no idea of what was ahead.  My hope then was the same as my hope now, to influence the conversation.  I don’t expect to directly change anyone’s mind, but if I can influence the conversation I can be a part of something larger (along with you), and I do believe it will ultimately change the way people consider the issues we discuss.

Along the way the blog has been both recognized and snubbed, and traffic has grown beyond anything I ever would have imagined.  This time last year I was stunned when the cumulative hit count passed half a million.  A few months ago it passed the two million hit mark.

Two years, two million hits, and a Ph.D in Red Pill Pharmacy

Recently I was honoured with a degree in Red Pill Pharmacy.  (Thank you University of Man)

Two years, two million hits, and a Ph.D in Red Pill Pharmacy

Yeah, I know it doesn’t really mean anything, but be honest;  you want one too!

My sincere thanks to everyone who has and continues to contribute to the conversation we are having here.  While the system won’t be changing any time soon, we (in the larger sphere) pose a real threat to the status quo as we challenge corruption and individuals choose to act in their own best interest.

As this is an anniversary of sorts, I present the gift of linkage:

Happy Father’s Day


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