Vice has a post up* on the hashtag #giveyourmoneytowomen. At first glance I thought it was a parody, but Poe’s Law notwithstanding, it seems to be serious (emphasis mine).
Women were banding together to demand payment for all the emotional work we do that goes completely unpaid—the exhausting work of being a tolerant, gentle, nurturing, listening woman in our relationships with men, at all times. Women put up with a lot of bullshit, and we have a science-backed term for it: Emotional labor. And as with any kind of labor, women are now ready and eager to get paid.
To understand this requires an understanding of the mindset of the miser. To the miser, even the smallest gift is unbearably extravagant. Feminists are misers with love, so while they only give the absolute bare minimum, to them it feels like an unbearable sacrifice.
*H/T Steve Heller
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