Ugly feminists high on rage.

Anonymous Reader just linked to a new piece at the Washington Post that opens with:

A flood of rage is rushing through women’s brains. Why can’t men organize to change themselves?

The author brags about going on an extended hysterical tirade against her husband, describing wave after wave of uncontrollable rage.  She closes the piece with a warning.  Men had better do what she wants, or there will be hell to pay:

Pay attention people: If we do not raise boys to walk humbly and care deeply, if we do not demand that men do more than just listen, we will all drown in the flood [of women’s rage]. And there is no patriarchal Noah to save us.

Earlier today gdgm+ linked to a different piece from earlier this year where a feminist warned that women’s rage was tearing apart liberal men’s marriages:

…a phrase I’ve heard most frequently by women who have found themselves rightly riled, women who have perhaps never before—until recently—cited themselves as feminists report the fury, the frustration, the foundational shift as it’s occurring in the men they love so fiercely and the relationships that hold them as a consequence to the male gaze gazing now at their woman, riled.

This isn’t a coincidence.  Feminists in the media are high on rage right now.  It has given them power, and they want more.  The Nation has a new piece out today on The Politics of Women’s Anger.  NBC News has a video out titled It’s time for women to embrace their rage.   Not to be outdone, The Atlantic has it’s own video out titled The Seismic Power of Women’s Rage:

In America today, women are angry. But this isn’t a modern phenomenon, argues the author Rebecca Traister. In her new book, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Traister details how female rage has long been the country’s political fuel.

I think the feminists are (in the near term) overplaying their hand here, but it is easy to understand how they got there.  Men’s desire to appease women’s anger and complaining has been an enormous source of power for decades (and will continue to be moving forward).  Recently, turning up the rage turned up the power.  But there is an ugliness threshold where most men will check out and large numbers of women will be repelled.  We are at or near that threshold.  This isn’t the kind of anger that makes chivalrous men salivate in anticipation of out groveling the other men in the room.  This is the kind of anger that makes the women complaining look flat out crazy, hysterical.

But feminists shouldn’t worry.  My guess is this won’t do much (if any) lasting harm to the movement.  In the meantime, brace yourself for a series of articles and videos about the rage that is being spawned by the fact that women’s rage isn’t working like it should.


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