Unfit for a real relationship.

For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.

–Mat 19:12 ESV

RealDoll’s Matt McMullen describes the target audience for the coming generation of lifelike sex dolls*:

There are a lot of people out there, for one reason or another, who have difficulty forming traditional relationships with other people. It’s really all about giving those people some level of companionship – or the illusion of companionship.

From this point of view, the sex doll is a masculine counterpart to the slew of technical, cultural, and legal innovations we have made for women over recent decades.  While a large number of women still marry and remain married to a real life man, we have reordered our society around finding ways for women to have the benefits of marriage to a real man even when (for one reason or another) they are incapable of doing so.

Sarah Lenti’s recent opinion piece** at CNN offers a striking example of the female counterpart to the target market for lifelike sex dolls:

I am a single mother by choice. Yet I was raised in a Christian, conservative home, where I grew up believing in the traditional family unit. And I was taught that there was an order to achieving it. First, fall in love. Second, marry a man. Third, start a family.

Now in my fifth decade, only one has proven true for me — and it isn’t the first.

On the day that I turned 30, I journaled that I would think about becoming a mother should I still be single at 38. What that looked like, I didn’t exactly know. It was a promise to myself, maybe to God.

…Maybe a man could deny me love, but he would never deny me a child.

Having failed entirely to form a lasting bond with a real life man despite decades of sexual relationships, Lenti turned to IVF to give her sons whom she could use as a substitute:

But from my two little men, I quickly internalized that love is a verb. Love is an action and something you work at every single day…

Though I may never have a significant other, I do have my sons, who’ve taken me from unloved to loved and from unlovable to lovable. They’ve done this all on their own. They are my miracles, which I almost didn’t allow to happen because of heartbreak, self-doubt and maybe even self-loathing.

Prior to Eli and Abel, I wasted at least half of my adult life obsessing about things I had lost — men who broke my heart, clients who weren’t a good fit, friendships that had faded.

Lenti of course blames her own inability to form a bond with a real life man not on herself, but on men in general.  Yet she gives away the truth by inadvertently describing the kind of men she is attracted to.  By this I don’t mean her description of the physical attributes she requires in a man:

And so I began my search with a focus on the physical attributes that I have always been attracted to — namely height and athleticism. Six-foot-2 and toned was my baseline.

She gives it away when she is describing what she did to make herself attractive to men (emphasis mine):

Why have I lost that hope? Truth be told, I have been vulnerable with a few men pre- and post-pregnancy. But rejection upon rejection by man after man will do it to you. Even when you are that aloof gal, who doesn’t ask questions or have expectations of something real or long-term, it still ends. I guess you just lose your luster after awhile. It’s my reality, and it never changes.

Lenti is an addict of asshole game, and assumes that since she is only attracted to aloof jerks, men must be seeking this in a wife.  Good men seeking real commitment (lifetime marriage) don’t exist to Lenti, because she finds such men sexually repulsive.  But science and our culture have solutions for women like Lenti who are unable to form bonds with real life men, just like science (if not our culture) is working on a solution for men in a similar situation.

*H/T Jeff Strand
**H/T Novaseeker


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