Update from Ann.

Just over a year ago I wrote a post in response to a reader who I call “Ann”, titled How to encourage a husband to show more leadership. Check out the original post to see Ann’s specific request.

Ann contacted me again a few weeks ago in the comments section of the page. I’ve pulled out the end of the note at her request, but here is the part she said was ok to share in a post:

Hello Dalrock,

This is “Ann” writing back to tell you how nicely things have been going after we had the exchange above, exactly one year from today (such a coincidence that I thought of writing to you today)

I took most of your advice and applied it to our daily life. As I went through it, new forms of encouraging him to lead also came up, naturally.

I can tell you there have been lots of changes in our relationship, all in a good way. They aren’t huge, dramatic changes but it’s more like stones setting in their place. I can observe my husband feels more free to do what he wants, to say what he wants even though people don’t really agree all the time. I see him give advice to his friends about these things and it makes me very happy, not to mention proud. I also noticed changes in myself, I noticed some mistakes I’ve been making and stopped making them.

Another great note, all this hasn’t decreased his respect for me one bit. Just because he sits at the head of the table or he decides where we’ll go, what we’ll do in most cases, he didn’t start ignoring me or treating me like I don’t matter. It is a great case to see that both things can exist together. He still respects and loves me the way I respect and love him, he still asks for my opinion on things that involve me and wants me to be happy.

So I wanted to thank you for taking my question seriously and responding me in a kind and helpful way.

As you can imagine this made my day.

Note: As I did for the original post I ask that all comments be respectful and kind in tone. I will remove any comments which aren’t respectful of Ann or her husband.


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