Waning pussy power.

Last January the symbol most closely associated with the Women’s March was a pink knit hat with ears, called the “pussy power hat”. The headline at Time’s Motto announced:  Women Will Wear Pink ‘Pussy Power Hats’ to March on Washington.  The headline at Women in the world read: Women knit thousands of ‘pussy power hats’ to support the Women’s March on Washington  As Huffington Post explained:

Hundreds of thousands of protestors are expected to flood Washington D.C. on January 21, 2017 to take part in the Women’s March on Washington, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

And thanks to a knitting project that has gone viral, thousands of them will be wearing bright pink and cat-eared “pussy power hats.”

Other feminists felt that this was too subtle, and elected to dress as giant vaginas.

Over the last year feminists seem to have reconsidered the wisdom of so openly stating their case for power.  The original term pussy power hats seems to have disappeared in favor of the more subtle pussy hat, although you can still find it in news articles from last year and on archives of the pussy hat website.

But the news is even worse for the pussy power hat.  Not only is it being stripped of its power, but it has now been deemed politically incorrect.  As the Washington Times explains:

Women’s March organizers are moving away from the iconic “pussyhat” because it may be offensive to trans women who don’t have female genitalia.

She said several state and national organizations have tried “to move away from the pussyhats for several months now” and are not using the hats in promotions because there are “a few things wrong with the message.”

“It doesn’t sit well with a group of people that feel that the pink pussyhats are either vulgar, or they are upset that they might not include trans women or nonbinary women or maybe women whose [genitals] are not pink,” Ms. Hopps said.

I suspect an even bigger problem with the messaging is that the women trying to capitalize on the power of the pussy are making the very image seem ugly, not to mention downright frigid.


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