The thing that struck me the most about Texas politics after moving to the state is that Democrats focus the bulk of their efforts on convincing Texas voters that they are the real conservative, and their Republican opponent is the fake. For just one example of this, in our recent election for Governor Democrat Wendy Davis tried to get to the right of Republican Greg Abbott on the issue of gun rights by supporting open carry. It was of course a ruse, and she has since come out and stated that it was.
Republicans (not just in Texas but nationwide) use a similar strategy regarding feminism. “We’re the real feminists” is the standard Republican claim. You can see this with Jonah Goldberg celebrating Glorious Feminist Progress, and with Gavin McInnes here*. In fact, this formula is so common that very few would even notice it. Republicans claiming to be more feminist than feminists is SOP. If you are a Republican, it is what you do.
There is however an important difference between Democrats in Texas claiming to be the real conservative, and Republicans everywhere claiming to be the real feminists; the Democrats (and pretty much everyone else) know this is a ruse to get elected. Republicans are serious when they claim to be the real feminists.
See Carly Fiorina’s recent campaign video (H/T Cane Caldo):
Ladies, look at this face! And look at all of your faces. The face of leadership. The face of leadership in our party, the party of women’s suffrage. The face of leadership in your communities, in your businesses, in your places of work and worship. Ladies, note to Democrat party: We are not a special interest group, we are the majority of the nation. This is the face of a sixty one year old woman– I am proud of every year and every wrinkle.
*H/T anonymous_ng
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