I offered this as a comment over at Instapundit, in response to a post on the impending sexbot revolution.
Time is the modern woman’s real enemy here, with technology merely enhancing the effect. By continuously pushing out the age of marriage women are betting that their one day husband will still devote his teens and 20s preparing to be a provider, and not elect to either become the bad boy young women crave or settle for technologically enhanced masturbation. The problem is once a woman is 30(ish) and ready to marry, her male peers can no more go back and focus their 20s on education and career than she can go back and devote her youth and fertility to her husband.
Even worse, small mismatches between supply and demand can have a huge effect. If there are 100 30-something women demanding that men “man up” and put a ring on it, but only 80 men who spent the last 10-15 years preparing to man up, all of the women will find that good men are in short supply. Sure the 30 something unmarried woman can call the missing men losers, but she can’t change the fact that she’s competing with a glut of other marriage hunting women her own age.
And of course it isn’t just porn and sex dolls that risk derailing a young man from preparing for the day a decade hence when his peers will suddenly wish to marry. Legalized pot won’t help keep him on track either.
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