From Forbes Why Gillette’s New Ad Campaign Is Toxic:
The 1:48 length video starts out with images of remarkably troubled looking men as a narrator makes reference to bullying, sexual harassment, and toxic masculinity. It then poses the question “Is This the Best a Man Can Get.” The viewer then sees depictions of a series of very ugly and negative behaviors, including bullying, fighting, sexual harassment, and blatantly interfering with a woman speaking in the workplace. The ad goes on to state it is time for men to stop making excuses and to renounce the idea that “boys will be boys.” Gillette concludes that by calling for and showing images of men holding other men accountable and emphasizing that the boys of today will be the men of tomorrow.
As the article notes, this comes as Gillette is losing market share to lower cost alternatives. The whole idea of a cash cow is to milk it, but Gillette’s marketing managers prefer to shoot the cash cow for the purpose of virtue signaling.
Derek Ramsey pointed out that this commercial slamming men is an example of Dalrock’s Law of Feminism
“At P&G, we believe that the requisite skills to succeed as leaders in 2018 and beyond include the ability to be empathetic and inclusive. Given the critical role men play in advancing women and in achieving gender equality“
Men are evil. Fix our problems.
It is also an example of the attitude of abundance. The commercial assumes that the vast majority of men are so committed to (SJW) virtue that Gillette can safely denigrate the average man.
Edit: This is hilarious. You may have to open the image to see Gillette’s clueless reply to being trolled.
H/T: Dylan Sexton
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