What Kind Of Belief System Is Behind The European Migrants?

What Kind Of Belief System Is Behind The European Migrants?

With so many people from the Middle East and Africa coming to Europe, it’s no wonder that the news these days are filled with stories on incidents involving immigrants. Although it produces some anxiety over what will happen in the future, it’s not surprising that problems arise when civilizations clash.

It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.

People who think they know more than they do can be dangerous. That’s something to keep in mind before you invite strangers into your home, which Europeans have been doing for many years now. The following list contains three things that the migrants seem to believe, that ain’t true.

1. Ghosts are real

What Kind Of Belief System Is Behind The European Migrants?

A group of asylum seekers have fled their home in Grännaforsa, Sweden. 35 of the 58 residents left after convincing themselves that the facility was haunted by ghosts. The children noticed it first, says one of the former residents, Hamid Alojaili.

At first we thought that it was just childish stories but now us adults have also heard sounds and seen things like locked doors being unlocked and someone showering without anybody being there.

Noteworthy is that the rampant phasmophobia among these immigrants have gone practically unnoticed by the leftist mainstream media. Not even the #GhostLivesMatter movement on Twitter has brought this story to light. This is evidence of a bias toward privileged immigrants, where their needs and comfort trump the safety and security of the marginalized ghost community.

Joking aside, while this might seem ridiculous at a first glance, what if there’s some truth to it that us narrow-minded Westerners just don’t understand? Is this article expressing toxic Eurocentrism? Return of Kings has assembled a team of scientists to figure out if the asylum seekers’ claims hold water. After a thorough study, their unanimous conclusion is that there’s “no good reason” to think that ghosts exist. According to their report, only children and “mentally retarded” persons are able to believe such nonsense. Fascinating.

Because of the current lack of accommodation, the authorities haven’t been able to find a new home for the escaped refugees. Hopefully they will feel more safe and content on the cold, snowy streets of Sweden.

2. Rape is okay

What Kind Of Belief System Is Behind The European Migrants?

After a number of rapes were committed by immigrants in Finland last year, the national radio and TV network Yle has published texts in Arabic prescribing how women should be treated. The three articles contain information on “cultural differences,” and are supposed to help avoid “misunderstandings” that can occur when Arabic men interact with Finnish women.

According to one expert interviewed, a smile alone from a woman can be taken as a sexual invitation by an Arab. The Finnish migration agency has also tried to inform asylum seekers about the laws and sexual norms in Finland.

In Norway and the German region of Bavaria, immigrants are now being offered courses on how to behave around women. Coming to the West is an adjustment for these men, since they’re used to women not showing any skin and not displaying affection in public. Seeing all of these sexy Western girls in skimpy outfits, and not being allowed to rape them, makes the men terribly confused.

There can really be now question about it anymore—rape culture is being imported to Europe. Anyone denying that will have to explain why these media campaigns and courses are needed, and why immigrants feel it necessary to take them. All of the women cheering on multiculturalism, and trashing “racist” nationalists and conservatives, will also have to accept the ramifications of their actions.

One wonders how easy it will be for them to say “refugees welcome” while pinned down to the ground and penetrated by a gang of Somalis.

3. Sweden gives immigrants everything they want

What Kind Of Belief System Is Behind The European Migrants?

While it certainly seemed true just a few months ago, things have changed rapidly. Politicians on both left and right promised a lot, but in the end couldn’t deliver. The very generous asylum laws that made so many migrants come to Sweden before, have now been changed with the explicit purpose of keeping them away.

As the Deputy Prime Minister (shown above) announced the government’s new stricter asylum policies, she was visibly emotional and nearly started crying. No doubt was she lamenting all of those exciting, multicultural rapes that she was going to miss out on.

Some of the immigrants have complained that Sweden did not offer them as much as they expected. While they thought that they could stay here forever on the government dole, now they will only get a limited residence permit. Around 3,500 of them retracted their asylum applications last year.

While it’s a shame that they had to come all this way to realize that Sweden is not the Promised Land—not for them anyway—it’s a good thing that some of them are now returning in disappointment. They can tell their peers that they are not welcome in the European welfare states anymore.

Maybe that could finally put an end to this crisis.

Read More: Germany Finds Homes For Migrants As Penniless Greek Women Sell Their Bodies For Pennies


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