Most of you by now know about the rape culture campaign that has reached fever pitch around the nation. Even Michelle Obama and some other B-list celebrities got in on the action by posting youtube videos talking about ending “rape culture.” This hysteria rages particularly hard on college campuses, making me feel very lucky to be off the dating market at the moment. But not everyone is as lucky as me.
An acquaintance of mine was dating her boyfriend in college for two years. Over the summer before her junior year however, she decided that she had enough. Naturally she gave a myriad of reasons why she wanted needed to break up with him. Apparently he was “holding her back” from experiencing college life. At the time, I took this statement at face value and thought he was just a stick in the mud. More realistically however, she was just starting to get bored of the boring beta that trailed after her at all the parties and wouldnt let her have any “fun.”
And boy did she have fun after they broke up. I had a front row seat to the affair. And since she was like “one of the bros” she didn’t skimp on the details. Full disclosure: she is not a prime catch (otherwise I too would have been tempted to smash), in fact I’d rate her a solid 5, in other words: very average. But most college males are incredibly thirsty and will jump at the opportunity to get with anything that even resembles a girl with interest in them. Suffice to say, she did way better for herself than one would expect based on her looks. She even had a fling with a 35 year old banker that would wine and dine her every week.
This brings up something I’ll never understand: why adults looked wistfully back at their college years as if they were years of abundant poon just falling out of the heaven like unleavened bread. The truth is that chicks dig older guys, and the first half of college is rough for your average male, and only gets a bit better for most as they get older. Personally, I had a blast, but I had the added knowledge of being an acolyte of game. The others though…they’ve been struggling, and probably will continue to do so until they become rich bankers themselves. It doesn’t help that you have the histrionics of the “rape culture” people to deal with either.
Back to the story—one night several months after their breakup she and him met up at a party again. One thing led to another, and they slept together that night. Only several weeks later, the girl went to the administration and claimed that she had been raped. The administration hem-ed and haw-ed and decided that the safe thing to do would be to suspend the boy for a year, pending a further investigation. Did you catch that? He wasn’t proven guilty, he had witnesses that even came to his defense (one of my old roommates), and they were both drunk, but none of these mitigating factors prevented him from even openly debating whether he in fact committed rape or not.
Personally I know the guy, and he is one of the most vanilla-fied, beta-fied, and pussy-fied herbivores that you will find on a college campus. The idea of him forcing himself on anyone, including an ex-girlfriend that is the exact same height (and weight probably) as him is downright laughable. So perhaps the girl was suffering from a case of buyer’s remorse? It seems like the most plausible explanation, but it begs the question, who is the type of guy that gets falsely accused of rape?
It’s the lesser beta, never the bad boy alpha.
My own experiences add a splash of color to the affair. About a year and a half ago I asked out an Indian chick (HBD 8.5) on a date. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was oozing with charisma and natural game. She was working at the desk as a sort of secretary and was studying for her MCAT when I approached her. Keep in mind that this was before I understood the science behind applied charisma.
Naturally Alpha Me: You look really excited.
Her: What?
NAM: To be working this job.
Her: Yeah, its a blast. (*rolls her eyes*)
NAM: Are you studying for your MCAT?
Her: Yea, it sucks.
Me: I could tutor you!
Her: Are you also taking the MCAT?
Me: Nah
Her: Haha then why do you think you can tutor me?
Me: Just a hunch. We should get lunch before we study together though.
Her: Haha..ok?
Me: When’s your break, I’ll come pick you up then.
Her: Hahahaah, ok 12.
I was wearing a sleeve-less t shirt, ray-ban knockoffs and most importantly I had that special factor x swagger that gave me that mischievous sparkle in the eyes and sly grin on my face that showed her I didn’t take her too seriously. (In retrospect, I suppose I used a variant of Roosh’s elderly opener.) The lunch date became an alcohol date the next day and just as I was escalating for the grand finale, she drops this bombshell on me.
“I have a boyfriend.”
Ooof, game over right? Well the red-pilled male naturally understands that this is just last minute resistance, but I took it at face value. I backed off. Which is a shame because sexual tension continued to grow between us, until one night after we went on a drunk walk through the city at 4am, she insisted on sleeping over in my apartment. When I tried to make an advance on her, she refused and said that we had to sleep separately. I had a bunk bed and was on top, she was on the bottom. I hop up, close my eyes and hear her say:
“If you were a man, you would take me now”
I jump down, blood boiling, throw myself at her, only to have her start squirming and say, “WHAT are you doing!? I have a boyfriend!”
Confused, I climb back up. One minute later.
“Why did you stop?”
I jump back down. Encounter resistance again, climb back up, confused as fuck.
“I’m in your room and you’re not doing anything to me?”
Third time’s the charm right? Wrong. Same thing happens, I fall asleep soon after.
I wonder to this day what would have happened if I had done what she was begging me to do. Would I be in front of the honor council? Was I alpha enough then to escape her morning after buyer’s remorse? Hard to say, but the deck would have certainly been stacked against me…
The only conclusion that I can draw is that college used to be a sort of training wheels on practice ground for middle-class males. Only now, the learning curve is steeper and the consequences much more dire for failing to internalize the lessons of game. I don’t even think this will stay on campuses for long, so I’ll be the first to say it here: “rape culture awareness, coming soon to a workplace near you.” The moral of the story? It’s alpha or die, dear readers.
Read More: Meet The Man Who Apologized After Being Falsely Accused Of Rape
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