What Will The Next Great SJW Hysteria Be?

What Will The Next Great SJW Hysteria Be?

With the rapid implosion of the UVA rape case, America’s bout of rape hysteria appears to be grinding to a halt. Like lemmings strutting off a cliff, the SJW media and prominent feminists lined up behind Rolling Stone and Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s tale of violent gang rape at a University of Virginia frat… only to be left with egg on their faces when it was revealed that the “victim,” Jackie Coakley, was nothing more than a psycho stalker with an overactive imagination.

But just because one lie has been punctured doesn’t mean that the SJW hate machine will be stopping any time soon. What crisis will the aggrieved dilettantes of xoJane and Jezebel be manufacturing next?

While it’s difficult to predict these things in advance, if we look at all of the white girl problems of the past couple years, from “street harassment” to college rape claims, a few commonalities emerge. By analyzing the traits of previous SJW witch-hunts, we can get a clearer idea of which society-wide issue we’ll be expected to care about next. (Credit to AnonymousBosch of the Roosh V Forum for giving me the idea for this article.)

My personal opinion is that we’ll be seeing a lot of stories about women confronting their online “harassers.” It’s a narrative that fits in with existing SJW ideology, triggers the defective personalities of young women, and benefits the powers that be. Here’s why.

What Will The Next Great SJW Hysteria Be?

1. The story must be something that the writer is personally involved in.

Because modern women are malignant narcissists, they can’t imagine any reality outside of their own. As a result, virtually all SJW hysterias are driven by first-person accounts of the supposed horrors that some women are facing. The more grotesque the experience, the better, and no story is too unbelievable for the average SJW. This is how we ended up with abortion clinic escorts decrying how pro-life protesters call them “Nazis” and women talking about how men jack off on their exposed legs in the subway. The women who write these stories are seeking narcissistic supply in the form of other women calling them “strong,” “brave,” or “independent.”

Online harassment stories from SJW personalities like Anita Sarkeesian are a dime a dozen these days. Some of these stories are true, such as 4chan’s infamous trolling of Jezebel with rape and gore porn, while others are clearly invented or faked by the SJWs in question. Either way, they serve the narrative, and the narrative is all that the left cares about.

What Will The Next Great SJW Hysteria Be?

2. The story must be unverifiable.

SJW witch-hunts need to be about something that few women will ever experience, ensuring that no one will call bullshit on obviously fake stories. The reason why so many people bought the UVA rape hoax, for example, was precisely because so few women are raped. The most effective hoaxes are those that prey on the ignorance and gullibility of the average moron, which is how phony memoirists such as James Frey and “Misha Defonseca” were able to foist blatant lies on the reading public.

Online harassment more than fits the bill here. All a woman has to do to get attention these days is claim she’s receiving “rape threats” or “death threats.” In many cases, she doesn’t even have to provide evidence that she’s receiving threats, and many SJWs have tried to pass off fake threats as real to get sympathy. Given that Sabrina Rubin Erdely and Rolling Stone didn’t bother to thoroughly investigate Jackie Coakley’s story of being gang-raped for hours on broken glass, what makes you think the media will bother to verify SJW claims of “harassment?”

What Will The Next Great SJW Hysteria Be?

3. The story must benefit some very powerful people.

This is the clincher. Every single SJW narrative pushed by the mainstream media is one that benefits corporations, the government, or another powerful group. Money is the secret force behind every SJW campaign, whether it’s Suey Park accusing Stephen Colbert of “racism” to gin up interest in her speaking engagements or Gawker Media hurting their rival Business Insider by drawing attention to Pax Dickinson’s “offensive” Tweets. For example, few if any people have been drawing attention to Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s connections to Emily Renda, who serves both as UVA’s Vice President of Student Affairs as well as on the Virginia Governor’s Task Force on Combating Campus Sexual Violence.

The most common remedy for ending online harassment, suggested by everyone from Facebook’s Randi Zuckerberg to anti-GamerGate SJW developer Ernest W. Adams to the British government, is ending online anonymity. While many writers have focused on the chilling effect this would have on free speech, the real motivator for banning online anonymity is money. Facebook, Google, Twitter and other social media companies make money by selling their users’ data to advertisers, and the more data they have, the more money they can make.

That’s the joke here: social justice warriors imagine themselves to be valiant crusaders against an oppressive society when they are nothing more than tools of corporate and government power. Every witch-hunt they instigate, every “shitlord” they harass, every cause they champion was bought, sold, and paid for by the ultra-rich. If you want to predict what they’ll be bleating about in 2015, just look at who happens to be pulling their strings.

Read More: The Bill Cosby Rape Scandal Is Just Another Example of Modern Hysteria


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