What You Should Consider Before Joining The Military

What You Should Consider Before Joining The Military

Disclaimer: I’m currently serving in the United States Air Force, and these are the simple conclusions I’ve come to about today’s military. Other branches of the military may be different, but I work in a joint-service environment and work closely with all branches. I’m confident these will apply to all services.

 1. Before You Join

Get it in writing. We’ve all heard it before, but in this case, it’s serious. Whatever you are promised, make sure it is in your enlistment contract. If the recruiter promises you something and it isn’t in ink, walk away.

Be specific when it comes to choosing an Air Force Specialty Code or a Military Occupational Specialty code (your job). Don’t let them trick you with a top 10 list. ONLY SELECT THE JOBS YOU ABSOLUTELY WANT. I’ve seen too many people pushed into the tenth job on their list. They then hated the military, and also their lives because of it.

Do your research. Sure Aircraft Fuel Systems sound cool, but in reality you spend eight hours in a sweat suit, mask on your face, inside of a fuel tank. Sounds fun, right?

If you do those three things, then you are well on your way to a decent military career.

 2. Branches Of Military Services

Air Force – Takes great care of you, the personnel are annoying as shit, very blue pill. Toss up for most sensitivity training.

Navy – Much like the AF, but you should probably be okay with being on a ship for six months at a time.

Army – Avoid the fucking Army. You are just a number to them, and they treat you accordingly.

Marines – The only branch I can possibly consider red pill in any way. They treat you like the Army but they expect you to enjoy it. Strong camaraderie though; nothing like it in the other branches.

Here’s a reality check: if you are expecting an in-your-face type of military then go Marines. Every other branch has been beta-maxed. My basic training was the biggest joke I’ve ever experienced, and I went through Air Force basic training before the whole sex scandal. What the recruits go through now is hardly recognizable and makes what I went through look like hell.

3. Once You Are In

Realize that the military is a horribly run business, and that if it were not on the government’s dime it would have crash and burned. Horribly. Long ago.

But damn does it have good benefits. Here are a few:

Free healthcare and dental can be a huge benefit and a lifted burden for many people. The salt here is that it’s military personnel treating other military. If you’ve swallowed the red pill, you know that doctors are people too and are just as likely to make mistakes or be incompetent as you are. In that case congratulations, you will not be too surprised when it happens.

Education is an obvious benefit and has been written about many times, so I’m not going to delve too deeply into it. The more effort you put into your education while you are active duty, the better off you will be.

BAH/BAQ – Basic Allowance for Housing and Quarters. Free room and board, more or less. The longer you’ve been in and the higher your rank, the more you get. This is easily one of the best benefits of being in the military.

BAS – Basic Allowance for Sustenance. Much like BAH this is another huge perk. Who spends $300 a month just for food?

What makes these benefits better is that any money you receive but do not spend on your housing, rent, or food is still your money. Spend it, save it, or buy a hooker. It is your money, do with it as you please. They are also non-taxable—take that, lefty parasites.

30 days of leave a year. Pros: that’s a lot of leave, depending on how you use it. It makes taking extended vacations manageable if you can plan accordingly. Cons: if your family lives 12 hours away and you want to go visit on a four-day weekend, you have to take leave in order to do that, even if you would have those days off anyway. If you burn all your leave when you get it, then you will have a hard time.

You get a lot of Comped Time Off (CTO). I’ve personally gotten 6-10 free days off this year thanks to this nifty little thing.

There are many other benefits you may qualify for, be it separation pay, deployment pay, hazardous duty pay, flight pay, etc. When these are all added up, you can live a very comfortable middle class life.

 4. The Shit Parts

Many of society’s problems today are affecting the military as well. The “rape” culture is making it exceedingly dangerous for males in the US military. I personally know three different individuals that have been accused of rape. I’m confident that at least two of them are false accusations. The third case I do not know the specifics of.

The military is also, ironically, subject to socialist shortcomings. As I mentioned above, the military is a very badly run business. It can also easily be compared to a socialist society. Everyone knows that they will be paid regardless of their work ethic, which in turn produces a lack of efficiency. This lack of efficiency is then categorized as the norm and is then adopted by the masses. This is bad enough, but things then become cyclical and later compound.

The enforcement of blue pill ideals is a major problem. On a weekly basis we are forced to view training on gender equality, sexual assault, political correctness, etc. In the last three years it has become more and more of a mechanical blue pill dispensary.

If one can put up with conditions that closely resemble corporate America today then, yes, joining the military is a good choice. Just be informed before you do.

Read More: The American Military & Men Do Not Mix


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