Sword fights, severed limbs, and doggy style sex are all trademarks of HBO’s latest flagship television series. In other words, it’s awesome.
Now in its third season, we have a good sense of the prominent characters, their values, and their histories. But who is the most masculine – the most alpha – in this giant power orgy?
The Players
Before I continue, yes I left out a few players such as Ned Stark, Littlefinger and Tywin Lannister. There’s millions of characters in the show and I’m tired. Get over it.
Tyrion Lannister
“I’m a monster, as well as a dwarf. You should charge me double.”
Alpha Characteristics: The ultimate conversationalist and a borderline genius. He consistently dominates everyone and makes them eat their own words. He also has a lot of sex. Much of which comes from whores that he puts down three at a time.
When push comes to shove in the largest battle of the show to date, he takes the place of the beta king and leads an army into battle – despite no combat experience.
Beta Characteristics:Â He’ a midget.
Grade: A
Jon Snow
“First lesson, stick em with the pointy end.”
Alpha Characteristics: He would´t even be in this conversation the first two seasons, but this bastard child has developed over time. A late bloomer if you will. Solid in combat and unafraid, despite numerous attempts to intimidate him.
Beta Characteristics: Just lost his virginity, although he dominated in his rookie appearance. Used to be a bitch.
Grade: C
Jamie Lannister
“Has anyone ever told you you’re as boring as you are ugly?”
Alpha Characteristics:Â A true asshole, but a funny, charming one. Also an amazing fighter. He pretty much doesn’t give a fuck and does what he wants.
Beta Characteristics:Â He bangs his sister and he stabbed a king in the back.
Grade: B
Stannis Baratheon
Alpha Characteristics:Â A cold blooded killer with no other desire than obtaining the crown. He sees everything a means to an end.
Beta Characteristics:Â He is borderline controlled by a woman.
Grade: C
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Joffrey Baratheon
“You can’t talk to me like that.”
Alpha Characteristics:Â None.
Beta Characteristics:Â All of them.
Grade: F
Robb Stark
“I asked him, How can a man be brave if he’s afraid? That is the only time a man can be brave, he told me.”
Alpha Characteristics:Â Sticks to his principles regardless of the situation, ignores inconvenient conventions, and consistently takes bold actions despite opposition.
Beta Characteristics:Â None.
Grade: A
Sandor Clegane (“The Hound”)
“Fuck the water, bring me wine.”
Alpha Characteristics:Â A beast of a man who crushes in battle.
Beta Characteristics:Â Has little to no sex.
Grade: C
Khal Drogo
Alpha Characteristics:Â A silent barbarian king with badass fighting skills. He commands the utmost respect from a group of untamed, chaotic alphas. When one steps to him, he cuts his heart out. Don’t fuck with him.
Beta Characteristics:Â After rough sex consisting of little more than violent thrusting, his partner (see below) learns some tricks and begins to lead in the bedroom.
Grade: B
Daenerys Targaryen
Alpha Characteristics:Â A sexy blonde who controls a barbarian army. Oh, and three dragons. Not to mention she takes zero shit from anybody, does what she wants, and emasculates seemingly alpha males on the regular.
Beta Characteristics: She’s  a she.
Grade: A
The Winner
Based the grades above, it is obvious I believe the competition lies between Tyrion, Robb, and Daenerys. A hilarious midget, a bold king, and a powerful woman. Three distinct personalities, but all with larger than life presences that dominate whatever room they enter. However, I have to disqualify Daenerys based on gender. And Tyrion based on my minimum height requirement. So Robb Stark takes the cake.
Read More: 10 Reasons You Can´t Build Muscle
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