Why am I so much better than other men?

I already offered this as a comment at Instapundit, but since I don’t have a new real post to offer I thought I would put this up to at least allow for new discussion.   Instapundit’s post is itself a link to Dr. Helen’s post, which is a rebuttal to the Michael* Walsh’s post: Why Are Millennial Men Such Wimps?

Walsh’s post is yet another “Why am I so much better than other men?” rant. It is a natural crowd pleaser, in that women love being told they deserve better men, and many men love the opportunity to pose alongside Walsh as troubled by their own magnificence in comparison to other men. It is therefore a sure bet to draw clicks and allow Walsh and his followers to bask in their own smugness.

What it fails to do however is:

  1. Make Walsh and those posing with him more attractive to women. Groveling after all only makes men less attractive to women.
  2. Offer any meaningful solution to our societal decay. To the extent that it has an impact, it will make things worse since one of the claims being made is that the more feminist/unfeminine a woman becomes, the more she deserves a strong man “who can handle her”.

Walsh quotes the female newscaster:

So whose fault is it? Is it our fault, ladies? Are we getting too strong? Nah, I don’t buy that. See, a real man knows how to handle a strong woman, so this isn’t our problem…

Please teach your sons to be men, because the women of the world are tired of the boys.

To which Walsh replies:

You go, girl!

*Michael Walsh should not be confused with Matt Walsh who also writes on the same theme.


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