Why are so many tradional conservative women obsessed with making sure hookups are fair?

Why are so many tradional conservative women obsessed with making sure hookups are fair?

Hold it alpha! Your hookup partner didn’t get everything she wanted!

I should start by pointing out that not all traditional conservative women are like that.  There are quite a few women in the manosphere who aren’t interested in defining and enforcing “rules of the road” for casual sex.  But I would say a very vocal minority appear to be almost obsessed by this.

Many of my readers will recall that Kathy vowed to leave this site forever after I pointed out that she was far more outraged over the fact that an alpha was “getting some on the side” while “dating” a woman than she was over a sex positive feminist trying to normalize casual sex.  Likewise Paige is very concerned in the comments section of my last post that 15 year old versions of Karen Owen might not be receiving a fair deal when they decide to have sex with alpha athletes.

I’m not condoning casual sex, I’m just very perplexed why so many otherwise traditional conservative (and religious) women are so driven to ensure that casual sex is as satisfying as possible for women.  I understand why feminists feel this way, but I truly can’t understand why traditional conservative women choose to ally with them in this regard.

It is worth noting that I don’t see traditional conservative men wringing their hands over whether men are getting their needs met through casual sex.  For example, I’ve never encountered a traditional conservative man who worried that Roissy might one day catch an STD from a woman who lied and said she was disease free.  I certainly don’t lose any sleep over this prospect.  It isn’t that I am pro lying or even that I wish Roissy ill, I just don’t have a compelling interest in trying to create an elaborate system of hookup etiquette.  Instead I’m motivated to try to make marriage a viable option for as many men and women as possible, so I don’t see why I should focus on making being a pickup artist as fulfilling as possible.  Pickup artists and the women who chase them are making their own choices.  The ambiguity of their “relationship” is a feature, not a bug.  If they want to make a formal commitment, they are free to do so.

As I have pointed out before, this obsession with making sure hookups are “fair” is a reason many mothers won’t protect their daughters.  Given the high cost these women are willing to have young women and girls pay, there must be an extremely compelling reason for them to focus so much energy on ensuring that casual sex is fair and fulfilling.

Female referee photo from 2for6.


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