Why being a female is a great gift to the universe.

The most fascinating part of feminism is when you boil it down how incredibly vacuous it is.  It is an unthinking grab for power, a mindless reaction against a nameless discontent.  A recent article in The Huffington Post demonstrated this perfectly.  Cute Kid Note Of The Day: Why Being A Girl Is Wonderful  An eight year old girl was given a writing assignment:

Being a female is a great gift to the universe.  Here are a few wonderful things about being a girl…

The girl’s father was so proud of her response that he scanned it and uploaded it on Reddit*.  I can only imagine that he wept tears of girlpower joy while he did so.  I haven’t interviewed him, but if I did I’m guessing his response would be something to the effect of**:

You try to teach your kids right, but you always wonder…  Does she know she has a vagina? And boobs?  That she is smart and can get a job?  That these things give her power and make her a gift to the universe?  When something like this comes along it is so incredible because now you know, yes, she really does!

Proof of the vapidity of feminism is the Huffington Post description of the girl as “One very wise 8-year-old”.  What wisdom?  I don’t fault the girl; she did a great job parroting back what has been fed to her, and boiled feminism down to essentially a set of bullet points.  It isn’t her fault that when one does this it looks suspiciously like a manosphere parody of feminism.  To be fair, what else was she supposed to say?  What else is feminism preparing young women for but to be just like men (even though they can’t be), only with vaginas, boobs, and the ability to become pregnant?

*Reddit often has some very funny comments.  I thought the first two responses in this thread were particularly good.

**For the satire impaired that was not an actual quote from the 8 year old girl’s father.


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