Why Can’t I Leave A Smiley Face?

I released a new book that I think you might be interested in. Here’s an excerpt:

The cougar had a habit of abruptly ending the conversation with me to go babysit her blonde friend with whichever new guy she was talking to. She seemed to get a kick out of playing matchmaker, but she started to make me look like a fool, expecting me to wait for her every time she left. A man can only take so much from a girl he doesn’t even like.

She gave me a kiss then said, “Hold on, I have to talk to that guy over there to hook my friend up.”

“You go talk to that guy and when you come back I won’t be here,” I said.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not going to wait while you talk to him.”

“Whatever. I had a boyfriend for three years and he was controlling just like you. That’s why I broke up with him.”

“You can do whatever you want. You can talk to him, but I’ll be gone.”

“I don’t believe that. You’re blowing it, you know. Do you want this to work or not?”


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“It’s my way or the highway.”

She said nothing while I looked around. Then she put her arms around me and kissed me. I wanted to laugh that I was being tested by an older woman who wasn’t that attractive. I was curious how many poor saps had failed her stupid tests only to wonder why things suddenly went south.

Something inside me started to come alive, a part of me I hadn’t seen in a while. It was the part that wanted to hurt a woman, just for the hell of it.

America, bringing the worst out of me since 1979.

The brief book is a collection of stories about my one month return to America after living in Europe for almost two years. Grab the book at a discount if you order by midnight tonight. Click here to learn more.

Why Can’t I Leave A Smiley Face?


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