Laura Lifshitz fails to honor my right to write without being written about in What It’s Like to Be an Evil Jewish Divorcee:
A group of supposed “Christian” men bantered back and forth under a blog written with the sole intention of saying that women divorce so they can profit off of it by writing about it and I Laura Lifshitz, am one of the most evil women profiting off her dissolved marriage. Oh and by the way, the article is categorized under “ugly feminists.”
As I suspect Lifshitz understands all too well, the ugly feminist tag refers not to outward appearance, but to the profound ugliness of the feminist mindset.
I will never understand why women don’t have the right to write, perform, be, exist, divorce or lead without a man feeling the need to judge, lord and criticize us at every turn only to end the battle against us with, “Oh and she’s very ugly.”
If I have this right, The Writer writes about being written about while writing. This is navel gazing taken to new heights.
Commenter Judy Higgins rationalizes that Lifshitz is doing her daughter a profound favor by continuing to profit from the pain Lifshitz is causing her:
Good for you to keep writing to show your daughter that there are people out in the world who are ignorant and not letting that stop you from sharing your voice.
Must a professional divorcée lack talent?
Commenter silverpie asks on my post The Writer writes:
Question about the Venn diagram. What does one do if one pretended to commit for life, wants to be a writer, but fails to lack talent (i. e. does have it)?
In theory a writer with talent could become a professional divorcée. However, if a writer has talent they won’t be forced to make airing their dirty laundry and their failure to honor their sacred vows the foundation of their writing career.
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