Bustle has an article by Emma Lord about a Reddit post making the rounds: “Dave The Period Fairy” Has Become A Viral Sensation After A Woman Shared A Nightmare Hiking Experience On Reddit. Lord claims Dave is sexy because he is a feminist new age guy:
Personally, I am the one who is stupid — stupid in love with Jane’s friend Dave, that is.
It isn’t just Dave’s unexpectedly feminist Boy Scout preparedness, but that this is the kind of thing that normalizes periods in general. All too often, the burden of lifting the stigma on menstruation falls on women…
This is another round in a very long feminist con, telling men they will be sexy if they carry tampons and lift the stigma of menstruation. As Lord explains:
…maybe the mere existence of Dave the Period Fairy will inspire a whole new movement of period fairies and we can all live in relative, menstrually sound peace.
This is of course nonsense, and any white knights trying to win over women in this way will find it has the opposite of the desired effect. Nice guys, and especially nice guy feminists, aren’t just not sexy, they are repulsive.
But this story has a twist. If you read the original Reddit post, Dave really was sexy. As “Jane” the author of the post explains in the comments:
Lol I should link him this thread. Except I just expressed my desire to, and I quote, “Fuck the shit out of him” which might be weird.
Normally I would say she is running the same con on nice guys Emma Lord is running. But if you look at her description of the event you can see why this ostensibly feminist nice guy really did turn her on*. It isn’t what Dave did (provided her with a tampon), but how he did it. When Dave sensed that something was wrong, he didn’t sheepishly ask m’lady if he could be of assistance. Dave approached her like a father would approach a daughter in the same situation:
Dave looks back and notices me walking like a goblin. To my horror, he falls back and starts walking next to me. He leans in and whispers,
“Do you need to pee?”
I’m like, huh? Then I realized I’m like doubled over with my hands on my crotch. Seemed obvious.
“No, I, that’s not,” I’m stammering.
“Period issue?” he says next.
At that point I’m like this and I just mumble “yeah.”
Note the image she links to that demonstrates that she felt like a little girl who needs daddy to help. As Heartiste explains, tingles are born in the defensive crouch.
At this point Dave takes charge of the situation, giving everyone, including Jane, clear instructions:
And then, this guy, this fucking glorious, magnificent guy, he calls out to John and Teddy: “Hey, Jane’s scraped her arm on a tree or some shit, I’m gonna tend to it but it’s gonna be like five minutes. Just get to the road and set up lunch and call the car.”
John says sure and the two of them keep on walking. Dave slides off his magical backpack and opens a pouch on the front of it. “Pads or tampons?” he says.
I mutter “tampons,” completely stunned at all this. He pulls out three tampons, the good kind, and a handful of wet-naps. Hands them to me and then he opens the main compartment and pulls out a long sleeve black t-shirt. “Go in the trees and take care of it, then tie the shirt around your waist.” He then pulls out a big band-aid and slaps it on my arm to keep up his cover story.
There is a lesson men can learn from this story on how to be sexually attractive to women. It isn’t to become a walking tampon dispenser**, or to be a feminist nice guy in general. The lesson is to be a strong man who effortlessly and unapologetically takes charge of the situation, whatever that situation may be.
H/T Instapundit.
*The story itself strikes me as almost certainly fiction, but the reason this particular Reddit post has gone viral is that the fantasy it is selling is compelling to women.
**Or as modern Christians put it, emotionally available.
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