Sometimes you can’t help but think there must have been divine intervention. The same day I pen my article about why Adelaide women are the best in Australia, I pick up the front page of the paper to see outrage that 500 young Adelaide women have had naked photos of themselves plastered all over an American website.
You may have noticed I didn’t sing the praises of Adelaide women aged 18-25 in my article. I truly believe western millennial girls are nightmares, even in sleepy little Adelaide. What we are seeing with so called ”revenge porn” is an example of the disturbing but inevitable consequences of the first generation of women who, brainwashed by feminist propaganda, truly believe they can do no wrong, and that there are no consequences for their actions.
Throw in their smart phone addictions and toxic need for constant social media validation and you have a recipe for disaster. At this rate, we are not too far from a world where every second man’s girlfriend’s or wife’s tits will be plastered all over the net, her slutiness on display for the whole world to see. This is supposed to be your loving life partner, the mother of your children? How can any man these girls meet in the future possibly take them seriously?
A tech-savvy generation? Millennial girls’ behaviour indicates otherwise

Young women are so addicted to social media they can’t see the negative effects it has on their lives
The millennial girl’s smartphone obsession is of course the root of their misery, but it’s their lack of intelligence and social awareness that is truly astounding. How can they not get it? Once a photo is put on the internet, it is there forever. Media reporting on this story was incredibly irresponsible. These photos certainly were not “stolen,” as journalists claimed. Whoever got these photos didn’t break into these girls houses, nor were they peeping Toms who had secretly photographed them without their knowledge or consent.
In fact, they had been willingly uploaded to social media or sent directly to the latest bad boy to make their vaginas tingle. From that point onwards, they were totally at the mercy of that bad boy as to what happened next. Some empowerment! Now admittedly putting them on the web for the whole world to see is a pretty low act, but they don’t call them bad boys for nothing. You can bet your bottom dollar these are the guys who are far more likely to receive and distribute “sexts” than the nice guys forever languishing in the friend zone.
Despite all this, I feel sorry for these girls. They have grown up in age where being a slut is glorified and where their peers give as little thought to posting revealing selfies online or sending “sexts” as they do to taking a piss. Unlike women from previous generations, at no point in their lives have they been pulled aside and told in no uncertain terms that being easy reflects poorly on them and is likely to be a one way ticket to disaster.
It’s not politically correct, you see, and many have been denied a strong father figure by their money-hungry mom who wanted freedom, a divorce and custody. This is why millennial girls are not only narcissistic and slutty, but completely oblivious to how broken they have become, and why they are hopelessly addicted to the crack pipe of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. All they need to do to break free of this toxic cycle is log off, but unplugging from the vortex would be unthinkable.
Millennial girls are trapped in a social media vortex
“Revenge porn” wouldn’t exist if young women weren’t so obsessed with selfies. Sadly, millennial girls are so infatuated with internet “fame” everything else is merely background music. To demonstrate how warped their perspectives are, consider this. What did this girl do when she found out she was on the site? She re-uploaded a photo from the site of her in the shower to her Facebook!
Out of curiosity I looked up her Facebook page, and sure enough, it is selfie after selfie. She is quite hot, but obviously so desperate for fame I can’t help but wonder if she is secretly thrilled she now has a chance to step out of the shadows of her well-known football playing brothers.
Women have been betrayed by feminism

Feminist woofer Clementine Ford.. all for female empowerment, but for God’s sake don’t expect women to exercise self-responsibility
Predictably, critics have directed all their energy into attacking the faceless American creators of this site and furiously denouncing “victim blaming”, rather than spreading the word to young women everywhere that uploading raunchy photos to social media and sexting guys is risky behaviour with potentially very serious consequences.
Bottom line: If girls don’t send these pics out, they can’t end up on a site like this. That would put these “shady creeps” out of business permanently. But in the twisted minds of feminists, prevention is never better than cure: don’t teach women to do X, teach men not to do Y. They have always played the victim.
Is there any hope for young women?

Scenes like this will be familiar to us all… what does it take for young women to put down their phones?
The prospect of having a daughter one day seriously scares the hell out of me. What chance do you have of raising a decent human being, when you are fighting a reckless pro-slut cultural tsunami?
There was a time when the family unit provided the guidance young women needed to develop important values. Unfortunately, with The Decline accelerating this is often impossible. For most girls, any semblance of fatherhood authority has long gone. If they really care for the welfare of girls, mothers and genuinely concerned women need to fill this void and educate them that acting like a slut must be avoided, for this behaviour places them at risk of ending up on sites like this, forever. I
Like so many other modern social problems, feminism is definitely to blame for “revenge porn.” This warped ideology has always irresponsibly promoted the delusional idea that women have all the same rights as men, but without responsibilities or consequences for their actions.
They were the ones who encouraged a life of reckless hedonism and narcissism for young women, with no thought for their futures. They were the ones who spun the gross lie that being pumped and dumped by men who couldn’t care less about them is “empowering.” These 500 Adelaide women are just a drop in the ocean of the many girls who are being sacrificed daily at the altar of “female empowerment.”
This is what happens when it is politically incorrect to state the obvious: that acting like a slut is dangerous for a woman’s honour, credibility, and future happiness.
Read More: Feminist Writer Posts Naked Photo: Demands Absolute State Monopoly On Violence
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