Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women

Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women

My article last week sparked a lively debate with its bold but personally well-researched claim that Western women have become the worst in the world, with some men defending their honor even as they plunge Western nations into sexlessness, fatherlessness, and take beta male provider roles away through careerism, rendering modern men nothing more than sperm donors and utility objects.

To some men the demographic destruction of Western nations, dying populations, hateful femcunt marches demanding the right to kill a father’s progeny without consulting him, demands for more gibsmedats from the cuckolding welfare state, a dearth of satisfying sex lives for millions of men – all don’t mean Western women are broken.

Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women

As the society around them crumbles, and Western women either breed with men conquering America (and Europe) or take cats home rather than bouncing baby boys and girls, some guys insist nothing is wrong. They take a “Walk away, there’s nothing to see here…” approach even as some notice the massive (pun intended) Anglobitch trainwreck unfolding.

No, somewhere in the Midwest or another hidden corner of America there’s a fertile damsel in distress just waiting to save the West if a man “alphas up” and finds her.

This attitude is why Western women suck, and why they’ll never change. There will be 100 white knights defending them for every one asshole that calls them out on the substandard companionship they offer and the destruction their wild woman ways are bringing to society.

While there was some reasonable criticism of the article, predictable boilerplate attacks quickly ensued from white knights and jaded American women who try to defend their sullied reputation with hot air. White knights and Anglobitches laughably say every man who’s not into them is a basement dwelling loser rather than someone who has discovered he doesn’t need or want them or their well used, moist piece of anatomy anymore. It never occurs to these myopics that maybe he’s found a far better deal in life, and is calling a spade a spade.

But there is an important point to be made when comparing and contrasting American vs. foreign women. AWALT still applies – All Women Are Like That. All women have wild and base sexual instincts, and it’s true that foreign women are just as bad as Western women IF their behavior isn’t modified by the culture they’re in.

The crucial difference is as follows: American women have been allowed to return to their wild instincts which quickly cause civilization to become unstable, while foreign women in many countries still have cultural constraints placed upon their sexuality. This crucial difference averts the return to a sexual Law of the Jungle that has descended upon America (and the rest of the West!)

Here’s why Western women suck, and how to fix them.

5,000 Years of Anthropological History

Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women

No society on earth that has stayed civilized released inhibitions on female sexuality

When women are left to return to their true nature with no cultural checks and balances on their behavior, we see the post-feminist clusterfuck that is quickly killing the West ensue. As I frequently point out in my writing, 5,000 years of anthropological history has proven this should come as no surprise, as no society that ever stayed civilized eased inhibitions on female sexuality.

Inhibiting and controlling female sexuality is the price of living in a civilized society. Anglo-America has forgotten this. Across thousands of years of human history, in J.D. Unwin’s study of 80 tribes and 6 high cultures, 100% of societies that loosened constraints on female sexuality, opening Pandora’s pussy box quickly degenerated and fell apart. Natural female instincts are destructive to civilization as the following happens, elucidated by none other than Unwin and Aldous Huxley and simplified into bullet points by me:

Huxley put it like this:

All human societies are in one or another of four cultural conditions: zoistic, manistic, deistic, rationalistic. Of these societies the zoistic displays the least amount of mental and social energy, the rationalistic the most. Investigation shows that the societies exhibiting the least amount of energy are those where pre-nuptial continence is not imposed and where the opportunities for sexual indulgence after marriage are greatest. The cultural condition of a society rises in exact proportion as it imposes pre-nuptial and post-nuptial restraints upon sexual opportunity.

Controlling female instincts with the proper cultural restraints is how a civilization is built up. Female “sexual liberation” is destined to end in disaster as it tears a civilization down. Other cultures still control female sexuality, and therefore the women in these cultures are superior to the Anglobitch for commitment and companionship.

Checks And Balances On Pussy Power

Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women

Women possess an enormous amount of biological power over men; this power is checked by culture in a sane society

Again, this isn’t because foreign women are innately better. All women are born the same. But proving that nurture is of utmost importance in the nature vs. nurture debate, foreign women are better options for sane men for three reasons:

  • Culture: Women are taught to respect men. Female sexual depravity is constrained by a patriarchal culture and slut shaming. Women with illegitimate (bastard) children are ostracized rather than praised as saintly single moms. Fathers are central to the family and not depicted as sex-hungry oafs and check writers as in the West.
  • Pussy Power: Women’s enormous biological power over men is checked and balanced by a patriarchal culture. Women can’t therefore can’t lord this power over men, using nature’s credit card to get what they want. Enforced monogamy means no beta thirst allowing low quality women to act like goddesses.
  • Hypergamy: Women’s instinct to “marry up” in social status means they’ll comport themselves better with men they see as useful utilities or who are part of a higher caste, i.e. Western men abroad or the average working man in the States when there is no welfare state sugar daddy.

Take these bulwarks against female depravity away and you will destroy foreign women as well. The reason Western women are so bad is because the West has removed all three of these protections for men with the institution of feminism, female “empowerment” and the resource cuckoldry provided by a beta male robbing welfare state.

When it comes to culture, commenter “David” makes my case very well:

Personally, I speak enough Spanish and Italian now to see that foreign women have a general respect for men that Americans don’t. They look men in the eye when they talk and they don’t interrupt when he’s speaking. Even with strangers. They love their family and are respectful of their fathers and brothers. Asia was the same. For that reason, those men don’t need that weird “clown game” for attention that Roosh refers to. They are given attention as a man.

…Every American girl I know is estranged from her dad. Probably because her mom divorce raped him and shit talked him.

Women are all the same sure. But those patriarchal societies are happier because the women have less power. No woman in Colombia would win a custody battle against the bread winner, or a rape case against her fucking husband or boyfriend.

A crucial point is made here: Once patriarchy is overthrown, women have almost unlimited power. And as Lord Acton knew, when it comes to human nature, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Patriarchy Vs. Degeneracy

Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women

What’s most unreal about the West’s woman problems is men who defend Western harlots

Patriarchy is the only counterbalance to the immense amount of power women enjoy by virtue of their biology. It is what made the human species different than the lower animals in the animal kingdom. If there is one constant in biology, it is that the male is disposable.

The Black Widow kills and consumes the male after the mating act, so does the Praying Mantis. In countless species, the male exists to do little more than survive and pass his genes on to the next generation.

Humans were different in that they offered the male a seat at the head of the table of the human family, a role which he has demonstrated an aptitude for as his guidance of the human family led us to the abundance we enjoy today. But, no sooner than the Western male completed his job as a utility object giving the world abundance like it has never seen, are some ready to throw him overboard and reduce him to his former role in animalistic world of the matriarchy as sperm donor and laborer.

That’s where the West is headed. It’s not going to take me with it.

So, while it’s true AWALT/All Women Are Like That, there’s no doubt foreign women are superior to Western women where checks and balances are still applied to their biological power and they’re shaped and molded by a patriarchal culture rather than a degenerate culture.

This isn’t an illusion, it’s just an inconvenient fact until the wild women of the West either destroy themselves and their men, or Western culture as a whole grows a set and once again tames the wild beast known as female sexuality.

Read More: Why Western Men Prefer Foreign Women Over Their Own


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