Why Is Ronda Rousey Allowed To Get Away With Beating Her Boyfriend?

Why Is Ronda Rousey Allowed To Get Away With Beating Her Boyfriend?

If you’ve ever doubted that there’s one set of rules for men and another for women in society, just look at the case of Ronda Rousey. In her recent autobiography My Fight, Your Fight, the UFC fighter and movie star admitted to physically assaulting one of her ex-boyfriends after he purportedly took nude photos of her without her permission:

“I punched him in the face with a straight right, then a left hook,” she writes. “He staggered back and fell against the door.

[Expletive] my hands, I thought. I can’t hurt them before a fight.

“I slapped him with my right hand. He still wouldn’t move. Then I grabbed him by the neck of his hoodie, kneed him in the face and tossed him aside on the kitchen floor.”

The fight ended when she walked out to her car and he jumped into the passenger seat, asking her to hear him out. “I walked around the car, pulled him by the neck of the hoodie again, dragged him onto the sidewalk and left him writhing there as I sped away.”

Despite openly bragging about her vicious assault in a book, not only has Rousey not been arrested on domestic violence charges, there’s been virtually no mention of her violent behavior in the media. This wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that leftists and the mainstream media maintain a blatant double standard when it comes to domestic violence.

For the past few years, male athletes and other professional figures have seen their public reputations destroyed and their careers derailed due to accusations of domestic violence. Despite the fact that these allegations are sometimes unproven or have already been dealt with by the justice systems, SJWs and feminists have taken it upon themselves to ensure that any man accused of battering his wife or girlfriend will forever wear a scarlet “A.” At the same time, women who abuse their partners are virtually ignored.

Ray Rice vs. Ronda Rousey

Why Is Ronda Rousey Allowed To Get Away With Beating Her Boyfriend?

The most glaring example of the difference between how male and female domestic abusers are treated is the case of former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice. Last year, Rice was indefinitely suspended from the NFL after a video of him punching his then-fiancee Janay Palmer was released by TMZ. This is despite the fact that criminal charges against Rice for the incident had already been dropped by the time the video was released. Additionally, Palmer herself married Rice not long after the attack.

These facts didn’t stop feminists and social justice warriors from launching a campaign against Rice and the NFL, alleging that the NFL has had a “history” of ignoring players who beat their partners and declaring that they would ruin Rice’s career. Rice’s indefinite suspension from the NFL effectively did the latter. While he was eventually reinstated and became a free agent following an appeal, the incident did an incredible amount of damage to his life.

The fact that feminists and leftists were so eager to destroy Rice’s life over this incident shows how much more severely society punishes men who commit domestic violence. The fact that Rice’s fiancee—the woman he punched—was able to forgive him for what he did (as shown by how she married him) didn’t matter; neither did the fact that the justice system saw fit to drop the charges against him. In their minds, Rice had to be punished for a “crime” he had purportedly committed.

Why Do Women Get A Pass?

Why Is Ronda Rousey Allowed To Get Away With Beating Her Boyfriend?

Ray Rice is far from the only example. Throw a dart at a wall and you’ll hit a male UFC fighter or other athlete who was on the receiving end of public outrage over domestic violence accusations. Athletes such as Travis Browne, Anthony Johnson and others have seen suspensions and numerous other punishments for even being accused of domestic violence, without any proof.

Conversely, Ronda Rousey’s blithe admission of committing a violent assault on her boyfriend has gone almost unnoticed. As of this writing, Rousey is in Australia preparing for a fight against Holly Holm. The irony of this is that two months ago, Australia denied singer Chris Brown a visa due to domestic violence charges after he attacked his then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009.

Despite their claims that men and women should be treated equally, it’s clear that on the issue of intimate partner violence, women are allowed to get away with it. As long as the media continues to ignore Ronda Rousey’s violent attack, their moralistic bleating over domestic violence in the NFL or among male athletes should be laughed at.

Read More: 5 Ways To Land (And Keep) A Quality Boyfriend


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