Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists

Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists

Environmentalism has gotten a bad rap the last few decades. People who care about the environment are usually labeled hippies or activists or feminine or—worst of all—government regulation-loving leftists. Those groups may well be environmentalists, and they surely give people who care about the environment a bad reputation. Despite the bad company, however, the most masculine men remain close to nature.

“But,” some are already saying, “how can masculine men want to protect nature from harmful pollution? That would involve government regulations and those don’t work.” True, but it’s also true that men haven’t cared enough to enforce meaningful safeguards.

Then people who don’t care about the environment will say, “Enforcing regulations would put restraints on the market, and we should leave the market free to operate. If people want to support the environment, they can do so with their dollars by choosing environment-friendly alternatives.”

Of course, we don’t have a free market in America (I know it hurts, but swallow this red pill already), so the idea of supporting something with your dollars is an elaborate charade created by the extremely wealthy, who push their agendas through the media. Voting with your dollars is a form of controlled opposition that is largely ineffectual.

When we let those who care to preserve nature be written off as hippies or feminine, we fall into a trap designed to emasculate us.

The Closer To Nature We Are, The More Masculine We Become

Imagine the prehistoric environment of our ancestors. Everything they used to live was taken directly from nature by their own hands. Tools were relatively simple, requiring masculine strength and innovation to put them to good use. There was danger all around from animals, the weather, and neighboring tribes. Men had to be courageous and resourceful to protect their people.

For the sake of brevity, we’ll skip forward to when we started living in suburbs. We weren’t forced to interact with nature much then. We also weren’t required to be as strong or brave. How often do grown men in middle-class suburbs have to physically fight to protect someone?

Then came urbanization. We were further removed from nature. And while you might have to be crafty to care for yourself in the city—or strong to protect yourself from criminals—for the most part men weren’t needed to be strong in the city.

Then the Internet happened. Long story short, we got to a point where software designers can spend all their time in an office or studio apartment and never have to be strong, courageous, or resourceful. Thanks to the further development of social media and sex robots, they don’t even have to interact with others.

The closer we are to nature, the more it forces us to be masculine. You can’t be weak, afraid, or dimwitted in a natural environment. You will die.

Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists

How long do you think this guy would last in a forest?

You want to survive a cold winter? Better know how to chop down some trees and build a house. Who in Silicon Valley has ever had to do either of these?

Simulating Natural Pressures

The most masculine activities we perform now act only as simulations to the real pressures we would encounter if we lived closer to nature. Do you work out? Life in a harsh natural environment would require you to strain your muscles all your life. You’d never have to search for weights to lift or tires to flip. Nature makes you strong, or you die.

Do you do combat sports? What are the chances you’re ever going to have to defend yourself with hand-to-hand combat? Our ancestors had to be strong and brave and know how to fight to protect their people.

Do you build anything at home? Why? There are very few things you can’t buy. If you lived closer to nature, you’d be building things because you need them to survive and there isn’t any alternative.

Do you diet? If you lived closer to nature, you would have to physically earn your food, hopefully eating as many calories as you burned, using every gram of protein to rebuild your strained muscles.

Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists

Hadza men wake up everyday and track prey. Now that’s a workout.

Masculine activities today allow us to live the convenient post-industrial life with some (only some) of the benefits of living close to nature. But these only simulate natural pressures and are therefore fleeting once we get tired of doing them.

Environmental Cynicism

Our bodies just don’t flourish in the 21st century post-industrial world. Americans are so fat because our bodies got good at storing fat when we had lots of food so we wouldn’t starve when food was scarce.

Every generation, men’s testosterone levels go down as their consumption of plastic goes up. That’s not the sole cause of the phenomena. Or is it? Nobody has figured that out conclusively. But it certainly isn’t good for your testosterone.

Yet, when people try to stop microplastics from hurting us, look at how the media responds. This headline from Breitbart is very passive-aggressive.

Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists

Attention, tools of Breitbart: it’s to save us, not Earth.

Stop Being A Useful Idiot

The biggest mistake made in the fight to preserve nature is the global warming argument. Predictions from climate scientists have only made it worse. There are far too many variables on planet Earth to predict how greenhouse gases will affect the world. What we do know is that it’s bad for us.

And that’s the point. Pollution is bad. Glitter and microplastics make their way into the food chain, eventually leading to our consumption of plastics. It’s bad for us. Smog and carbon monoxide and CO2 emissions are bad for us. Why do you think Chinese people are trying to not breathe this Beijing smog?

Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists

Who said there’s something wrong with CO2 emissions?

The second we try to clean up our world, the wealthy elite go to work. They say the cost of cleaning up their operations would put people out of work, even though the costs could just as easily come out of their bonuses. The argument becomes black and white if you fall in to that trap. Do you want to put Americans out of work because of “global warming?”

If you answered that question, it’s time to realize you’re being used.

Think America has a spiritual problem? I do. And there’s no cure for this that doesn’t involve putting down your device, getting out of the city, and leading a simpler life closer to nature.

Men were meant to live close to nature. For that reason alone, we should want to protect it.

Read More: Women Will Never Be Taken Seriously Until They Fight To Be Included In The Draft


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