It’s easy to get despondent over the current political situation. The progressive, globalist elites appear to be firmly entrenched in their positions of power. Even the election of Trump hasn’t moved the needle very much. But the appearance of being in control is a ruse. The end of the globalist neoliberal order and the elites is now inevitable.
The elite want to appear invincible
The great Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, tells us that “All warfare is based on deception.” One such deception is for an army to give the appearance of great strength even if its real strength is much less. A castle might not be sufficiently manned to mount a good defense, but invaders will think twice about attacking if the fortress itself looks impregnable.
The elite use a similar tactic. They only comprise about 1% of the population so they are aware that they must keep the 99% placated if they are to maintain their lock on wealth and power. They do this in several ways: welfare keeps the lower class satisfied, Hollywood and sports distract the middle class from reality, and the managerial state keeps the brightest vying for the highest paying jobs. From the moment we enter kindergarten until we graduate from college, we are taught that the neoliberal system is the best system for making people happy and prosperous and that all other systems would be steps backwards.
The system looks strong… but it’s not.
The reason the elite are trying so hard to keep you from asking questions is because the neoliberal system is cracking. The whole selling point of the neoliberal system is that it was supposed to create wealth: There would be more to go around for everyone. But the actual results are much different from what we were sold. Only last week, the Washington Post ran the results of study that determined that while the elite are getting wealthier, the middle class is not:
America is getting richer every year. The American worker is not.
Far from it: On average, workers born in 1942 earned as much or more over their careers than workers born in any year since, according to new research — and workers on the job today shouldn’t expect to catch up with their predecessors in their remaining years of employment.
Stagnant or falling earnings have put a squeeze on working- and middle-class households. The trend has also widened the gap between the rich and everyone else as, overall, the economy has continued to grow overall but the bulk of those gains have ended up in the pockets of the affluent.
It’s not just middle-class Americans who are suffering under the neoliberal order—a brilliant article published in the City Journal describes how globalization has affected France:
A process [called] métropolisation has cut French society in two. In 16 dynamic urban areas (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, Nice, Nantes, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Rennes, Rouen, Toulon, Douai-Lens, and Montpellier), the world’s resources have proved a profitable complement to those found in France. These urban areas are home to all the country’s educational and financial institutions, as well as almost all its corporations and the many well-paying jobs that go with them… Cheap labor, tariff-free consumer goods, and new markets of billions of people have made globalization a windfall for such prosperous places. But globalization has had no such galvanizing effect on the rest of France. Cities that were lively for hundreds of years—Tarbes, Agen, Albi, Béziers—are now… “desertified,” haunted by the empty storefronts and blighted downtowns that Rust Belt Americans know well.
But globalization is doing more than just enriching certain cities while impoverishing others. It is also forcing the middle class to leave the cities that their ancestors built:
[There is no place] in France’s new economy for working people as we’ve traditionally understood them. Paris offers the most striking case. As it has prospered, the City of Light has stratified, resembling, in this regard, London or American cities such as New York and San Francisco. It’s a place for millionaires, immigrants, tourists, and the young, with no room for the median Frenchman. Paris now drives out the people once thought of as synonymous with the city.
All those wealthy people need services but those service jobs don’t go to native French workers, rather France imports a third world underclass to the necessary work. These workers are kept in public housing at taxpayer expense:
Public housing is now used primarily for billeting not native French workers, as once was the case, but immigrants and their descendants… In the rough northern suburb of Aubervilliers, for instance, three-quarters of the young people are of immigrant background. Again, Paris’s future seems visible in contemporary London. Between 2001 and 2011, the population of white Londoners fell by 600,000, even as the city grew by 1 million people: from 58 percent white British at the turn of the century, London is currently 45 percent white.
If it were only a matter of a small number of economic winners and a large number of economic losers, that alone could be enough to spark a revolution. But globalization has also created diversity at levels never seen in history apart from military invasions, and that is creating its own problems. The new immigrants feel more solidarity with members of their home country rather than their new country. Every ethnic group is permitted to desire the good of its own tribe, except for native Europeans or Americans. The animosity between ethnic groups simmers just below the surface wherever the native population comes into contact with the new immigrants. This can be seen in French public housing:
[Public housing] is getting fought over tribally. An ethnic Frenchman moving into a heavily North African housing project finds himself threatening a piece of property that members of “the community” think of as theirs. Guilluy speaks of a “battle of the eyes” fought in the lobbies of apartment buildings across France every day, in which one person or the other—the ethnic Frenchman or the immigrant’s son—will drop his gaze to the floor first.
The Elites are ignoring the evidence
There have been numerous signs that the natives of Europe and the US are getting fed up with globalization. In the UK, the Brexit vote caught all the prognosticators off guard. Trump’s victory in the US and Le Pen’s near victory in France tell us that the native populations of these countries are very unhappy. You don’t need to be a divinely inspired prophet to see that this is a power keg.
Yet despite these clear signals, most of the elites are fully invested in opposing even minor democratic reforms. Emmanuel Macron, the winner of the French presidential election, dismissed the rise of the French nationalists by saying, “There is no such thing as French culture. There is culture in France and it is diverse.” British leaders are dragging their feet at implementing Brexit. And in the US, the “conservative” Republican-controlled Congress managed to fund Planned Parenthood abortions but not the border wall with Mexico.
To be sure, there are some of the wealthier elite who do realize how precarious their situation is and are taking steps to protect themselves. Moguls like Larry Ellison, Peter Thiel, and Steve Huffman are buying islands or vast compounds in New Zealand that they can escape to in the event of a revolution.
Nothing lasts forever. The Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations came to an end. The current neoliberal order is no exception. It has become unsustainable so while we can’t be sure when the dismantling of the globalist order will begin, we can be sure that its days are numbered.
Read More: 12 Methods America Is Using To Turn France Into A Globalist Nightmare
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