Why Western Men Travel To Asia For More Than Just Sex

Why Western Men Travel To Asia For More Than Just Sex

Asian women are the most feminine in the world, both in terms of their beauty and family value. This encourages thousands of men to travel to Asia looking for qualities that have been lost in the west.

Why Western Men Travel To Asia For More Than Just Sex

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes a man fall head over heels with a woman? Is it her sex appeal? Her heart-stopping body? Her explosive femininity? If you find one of these attributes in a woman, it is highly likely you will fall for her, even for a while. A woman with all three of them can guarantee long nights of passion with a girl that skyrockets your libido by just watching her unbutton her shirt.

This is, of course, intriguing to us. But, the thing is, you can find plenty of women to sleep around and spice up your bed. What happens when you want to end your life as a bachelor and get more serious with a woman? Can you imagine yourself living under the same roof with a western woman and sharing an entire house instead of just a bedroom?

You will probably need to go by her rules to be living “harmoniously.” Where does that leave you? Castrated. Even worse, a western woman will want to fool around much before she settles down, making her beloved feminist movement proud by being liberal and independent in her sexual choices. Plus, most western women smoke like a chimney, eat like a pig, drink alcohol like a sponge, and swear like truck drivers.

Would you marry such a woman? Hell no.

And, let’s suppose you have found your dream woman and married her. You can kiss her femininity goodbye as soon as she has kids. She will get fatter and fatter, stop paying attention to herself (and probably you) and you will see her become more mannish day in day out.

But there is still a place on earth that western travelers cross thousands of miles for erotic vacations, or simply to find the lost femininity of women: Asia. Here are nine killer attributes that Western men find in Asian women:

1. Feminine

Asian women have held close all the family values passed on from their mothers and grandmothers before them. Values that tell women to respect their man and be submissive to them. Being feminine is an ancestral cultural characteristic that most Asian women have, one that most western women wrongly interpret as slavery. Asian women have learned to talk softly to their husbands and be submissive to them; they actually HEAR what you have to say, not just pretend and then do what they want.

2. Traditional values

You can expect to eat a meal from the hands of your lovely Asian lady every single day, even if she also has a full-time job and works hard at it. Your house will be spotlessly clean and well-taken care of. Try asking a western woman to cook for you on a daily basis and you’ll probably end up with a bump on your head from the flying ashtray, or with a dreadful sex-starvation week!

3. They willingly play the “wife” role

Why Western Men Travel To Asia For More Than Just Sex

Asian women are the pillars of the family, managing and organizing the household perfectly, but are smart enough to let you lead and have the reigns of the family. They take care of their children and love helping their husbands any way they can. They do the same for their partners, so even if you have an Asian woman as a girlfriend, you can still taste a slice of heaven in your everyday life. Generally speaking, an Asian woman has been taught she needs to make her husband happy and proud, with his relatives and friends, to have her as his wife, so she does her best to not let you down. 

4. Sexy

Most Asian women are not only family-oriented and respectful towards others. They are also caring and love themselves, too. They will make sacrifices to have a good shape (and maintain it no matter what) and please their man with it. As for their beauty, it seems that western men are particularly attracted by their slender figures (as opposed to the overweight body shapes of the west), shiny black hair, and appealing eyes.

5. Financially responsible

They are usually great money handlers, which is a huge plus when looking for a woman to start a family with. Your Asian wife will ask you each and every time she wants to spend shared money on the house. Try asking an American or European woman to do the same—Her voice will rise to the stratosphere if you try to reign in her shopping. 

6. They behave

Cheating is not an option for an Asian woman. Marriage is too sacred to them to dishonor it like that.

7. They never refuse to have sex

They never give the cold shoulder to their feeling-horny hubbies. They will still make love with you, even if they are not in the greatest mood for 1000+1 Arabian nights.

sexy asian girl

8. They adapt quickly

They can act like a Western lady in particular ways without losing their subservient nature.

9. They avoid direct confrontations

They avoid conflicts and arguments with their other half and pursue a harmonious relationship, first and foremost. 

In Closing

Asian women have proven that being feminine does not make them weak or a slave, unlike what most women of the west tend to believe. The women’s movement is not severely damaged by women that love their husbands and their families. Additionally, Asian women are smart and strong, while knowing what is means to care for their loved ones. Their beauty is definitely a sight for sore eyes and their behavior a balsam to the soul. Who can compete with that?

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