Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

When a nation is torn apart by war, it can be rebuilt. Foundations can be re-poured and made with stronger concrete; buildings and bridges can be reconstructed using modern materials and updated practices; and infrastructures can be improved upon and modernized—things can be made better and stronger than they were in the past due to technological advancements and the know-how provided by men.

But what about the people? Sadly, the ravages of war will be etched into their minds until death. The passage of time will certainly ease old wounds, but ultimately, people can’t be rebuilt, they must be replaced. Only a new generation can come along to provide a fresh start and relieve the pain that was once endured. And even then, history will always be there to remind everyone of the past.

It’s no different than a war being waged against feminist indoctrination and “equality.” There are no buildings, bridges, and monuments to rebuild or resurrect. But there are millions of battle hardened women with cum-drenched souls, mental disorders, and everlasting baggage. If every woman in America stood up today and said she wanted to end the war and return to traditionalism, it wouldn’t change a thing. You would still have the same amount of women worthy of commitment, marriage, and bearing your children as you do right at this moment: practically zero.

A new generation of women would have to be brought up in order to see an improvement, but who would be the mothers and role models for this new crop of females? Who would we entrust to raise respectable young girls who would grow into traditional women with good values? The same degenerate losers we have at our disposal right now? The same women we deliberately avoid impregnating in the first place?

They would be the ones to pull it all together and steer the ship back on course? I don’t fucking think so. The foundations and infrastructures between the sexes are far too fractured and fragmented for things to ever be what they once were—never mind being improved upon or strengthened. This is a war that isn’t even close to being over, and we’re losing.

It’s not going to get better, it’s just that simple—this is it. Women are not going to magically become friendly, feminine, chaste and well-mannered just because that’s what men want them to be. Mental illnesses are not going to miraculously disappear with a pill or therapy. The carnage from all of the drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity is a permanent fixture on the American dating landscape—it’s not a bug, it’s a feature. This is not some passing storm that one can just ride out and there are no clear blue skies just beyond the horizon. And I wouldn’t count on this forecast changing anytime during our lifetimes, either, if I were you.

Additionally, we have to accept that women are fine with this—they like the storm. They have their beta male raincoats and their government sponsored umbrellas: they’re drier than a Jewish girl’s pussy when she’s surrounded by men who don’t make good money. They’re high, they’re dry, and they don’t have anything to worry about. And why would they?

No matter how bad life gets for a woman, no matter how much of a fuck-up she becomes and no matter how much destruction she leaves in her wake—some dickhead will be there ready and willing (and enthusiastically) to break her fall. This is why they don’t take their jobs seriously; it’s why they don’t take their finances seriously; it’s why they don’t take anything seriously—because they know if things start to get the least bit difficult, men will always be be there to apply tourniquets to the most hemorrhaging areas of their lives. And the worst part is: they’ll never appreciate or be grateful for any of it.

That’s not easy to accept, especially since men have no such luxury: it’s either make it or break it, sink or swim. No matter which direction you turn, the guns of failure are aimed directly at your temple, and, in many cases, it’s women with their dirty little fingers comfortably nestled on the triggers, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to squeeze.

The modern woman is not going to take care of you. She’s not going to pick you up when you fall and she’s not going to be there for you when you fail. A supportive, decent woman is something your grandfathers and, perhaps, your fathers got to enjoy. But for you? Nope, you’re on your own, buddy. It’s on you, as a man, to step it up and get to where you want to be.

Women aren’t taught to appreciate your efforts and sacrifices. Your success as a man will always be reduced to “privilege,” luck, or some other make believe advantage or benefit that you wish like hell you truly had. Women either hate you for your success or want to use you because of it—loving you for it never enters the equation. This is the default setting on the modern female, and there’s no way to reprogram the bitch.

And that is what you are up against. You’re surrounded by a very sick group of battle-worn women, and it’s from this pool of women that you’re supposed to—somehow—find someone decent and respectable with whom you can build a solid relationship and start a family. The odds of finding a good one aren’t in your favor, and the majority of us aren’t going to make it.

Despite this unfortunate reality, we still have lives to live. We still have our biological needs and those must be met one way or another. For better or worse, these are the women we have at our disposal. So, it’s in our best interests to be proactive in our defenses, and to ensure our future and well-being stay firmly in tact. We do this by sniffing out red flags and knowing when it’s best to just walk—or run, if necessary—away. It is my goal to provide this knowledge to the very best of my ability.

With that said, let’s get this show on the road and start with the red flag that should have you lacing up your running shoes and getting the fuck out of dodge with the quickness. I wrote about this topic extensively last year, but it must be re-visited again if we’re going to cover all bases.

Rape Fables

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

It takes a special kind of asshole to play the “I was raped” game, but there are plenty of women out there who play it, and they play it well, especially if you’re a sucker. Men are thoroughly brainwashed to believe a woman’s word is sacrosanct and to never question the veracity of her claims, particularly when it comes to sexual assault. All inquiries are strictly off limits, and she must be believed no matter what.

After all, “Why would a woman ever lie about being raped, right?” Because she’s a bottom of the barrel, attention craving, low-life, self-serving piece of mentally ill shit, that’s why. But you can’t actually say that out loud, of course. You pretty much have to keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself unless you want to be labeled a victim blame, rape apologist, or misogynist.

However, just because you have to keep your opinions to yourself, doesn’t mean you have to be the same way with your actions. And the best action to take whenever this subject comes up is to get to work immediately. If a woman claims to have been raped, then start digging to find out whether she’s being honest or not. This is accomplished by questioning the whereabouts of the alleged rapist right off the bat.


Girl: “It’s very hard for me to talk about this… but… I was raped.”

You: “That’s too bad, but at least the guy who did it is locked up and can never hurt you, or anyone else, ever again.”

Saying something along these lines puts her on the spot: she has no choice but to provide you with the status of her so-called assaulter. If she replies with “Oh, he’s not in jail,” or, “He’s my ex-boyfriend,” or, “We were drunk at a party; I didn’t press charges,” then you know she’s a fucking bullshit artist and that it’s time to pull the plug on your interactions with her.

If she says the perpetrator is in jail (I’ve personally never had this happen, and I’ve heard a lot of rape claims), then that leaves you with a decision to make as well.

Breaking It Down

When it comes to this rape stuff, one must develop a personal policy. Mine is one of zero tolerance, and it’s the one I’m going to recommend to you as well. Point blank: don’t date rape victims, period. Real, perceived, concocted or flat-out imagined—you honestly shouldn’t care. You should take your ball and go home, regardless.

Will doing this make you a dick or a bad person? I’m sure to the majority of people it probably will, but you know what? You still shouldn’t fucking care. Do the majority of people care if you end up with a crazy broad who makes your life miserable or tries to take her issues out on you? Do the majority of people care if you lose your career or wind up in prison (where “rape culture” actually exists)? Nope, they sure don’t, so you know what? Fuck’em.

Rape is considered a “societal problem,” and if you don’t rape women, then you are making your contribution to society, you can’t be asked for much more than that. You should never feel guilty for not “manning up” and absorbing somebody else’s issues. A woman’s problems—prior rape or otherwise—are her fucking problems. They are her property and her responsibility; they belong to her and her alone—they have nothing to do with you. Consider it “equality” if it makes you feel better: if you have never been raped, then only date women who have never been raped. Sounds pretty egalitarian to me.

Now, at this point you might be thinking, “This guy is is a sociopath!” Wrong—what I am is a guy who has something to lose. What takes a man years to build can be shattered immediately by one mentally unstable broad heading down to the police station with a bullshit story to tell: that can’t be, and won’t be, me. The last thing I’m going to do is play amateur psychologist at best, or be dragged through the mud and risk possible imprisonment due to some crazy woman’s whims at worst. These women are liabilities, and like most men, I already have enough shit to worry about. A woman has to make my life better if she’s going to be a meaningful part of it, and women with this type of baggage don’t make things better.

“Come on, A.V. Yader, is it really necessary to be such so ruthless and cold-hearted?” Yes it is, and here’s why: because “it” is always your fault. It doesn’t matter what “it” is, because no matter what “it” is—“it” is your damn fault. We all know if a man cheats on a woman, he is considered a scumbag, a piece of shit, and an asshole. We also know if a woman cheats on a man, it’s because she was pushed away from that man because he was a scumbag, a piece of shit, and an asshole.

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

You can’t win, so if you’re going to be considered an asshole no matter what you do or how you do it, then you may as well take the asshole route that is in your best interests and ensures your future is safeguarded. Which would you rather be: an asshole who’s on top and continuing to climb, or an asshole who’s scraping the bottom? Thought so. There are plenty of “good” men out there who will gladly fill your shoes and do the “right thing,” let them be the ones to take the loss.

Exit Strategy

Fake rape victims have to go, and they have to go quickly. Here’s a guideline to follow that should keep you covered.

Mentally break up with the woman the second you find out, but don’t dump her ass for real just yet. Do the actual dumping quietly and without commotion. Slowly taper off contact and limit any interactions you have to text messages only, which you should save. If you’ve slept with the woman, then get some sexual texts from her (nude pics too if you can get them). Send some messages saying how you can’t wait to fuck her again, get some enthusiastic responses demonstrating reciprocation in return, and then cut her off.

Don’t meet again in person, and ignore all contact from her once you have satisfactory evidence showing that she loved taking your cock and looks forward to taking it again. Show some discipline and pass up the easy pussy if she offers it.

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

As for the gentlemen out there with hearts of gold who can’t envision themselves being so heartless and cut-throat: I understand your position. I don’t support it, but I do understand it. So, if you meet a woman with a legit rape—and only a legit rape—in her past, and you want to proceed with the relationship, then that’s on you.

But don’t be surprised when problems and baggage comes with the territory. Proceed with caution and bail if there are hang-ups with intimacy, rage issues, or if it’s clear that she hasn’t gotten over what happened to her. You didn’t do anything wrong, so don’t suffer as if you did.

Claims Of Physical Abuse By Former Lovers

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

A close relative to the rape fable is the “he beat me” claim. Even more common are claims of verbal abuse or being “controlled” in some manner. Here are couple of question for you, gentlemen: When was the last time a woman said to you, “It was my fault that my previous relationships didn’t work out,” or, “I fucked things up, but I’ve learned my lesson”?

When was the last time a woman actually took some responsibility, came clean, and admitted that her relationship failures were primarily a by-product of her own conduct? In my experience, the answer to these questions is never. Sure, a woman might admit some wrong doing here and there, but she will never admit to being the instigator or the antagonist.

And that’s because “it” is always your fault—no matter what “it” is.

With that in mind, here’s how this nonsense plays out in the real world. In a bid to win pity points and look like a little angel who does no wrong (get used to this shit, especially if you make good money), a woman will tell you vivid stories about being terrorized at the hands of some evil, abusive psychopath. Just how bad is this motherfucker? Well, just imagine Ted Bundy, the Predator, and a great white shark all rolled into one. “He’s fucking crazy,” or, “He’s been stalking me,” or, “He threatened to kill me,” are lines that you will more than likely hear at some point.

However, what she’ll fail to mention is the part about how she would get in this guy’s face without provocation, call him a cock sucker, slap him, punch him, try to kick him in balls, destroy his house, key his car, flatten his tires, brag about fucking his friends, call his mother a whore, and then call the cops on him all before heading off to her workplace to receive a good old fashioned eye watering throat-fuck from one of her bosses in the parking lot.

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

Those little details never seem to make the final cut in any of these stories, for some inexplicable reason. And yes, I’m joking a bit there; however, the point is that a woman will never mention inciting things, being passive aggressive, or pushing a man’s buttons until he snaps and calls her some bad names or tells her her shut the fuck up.

That will never happen because then she runs the risk of looking like a bad person, and we can’t have that, now can we? “He used to call me a bitch all of time, it really hurt my feelings,” said the poor little snowflake. Yeah, I’m sure he did—it’s probably because you are one.

Breaking It Down

Here’s what you need to remember when you hear these abuse stories: it’s tough out there for the majority of men these days. Most guys are not slaying pussy on the regular. Very few men are getting laid frequently with thin, good looking women, and that’s the reason why you should always be on your toes when any claims of abuse come to light.

If an average guy has found himself a decent looking girlfriend, and he’s laying some pipe on a somewhat regular basis, is he going to beat the shit out of her, verbally abuse her, or treat her like dirt? Is he going to potentially ruin his access to the only pussy that’s available to him? Of course not. He’s going to treat her like gold, like a princess. He’s going to give her everything she wants. This is the type of man who will sacrifice his time, his sanity, and even his soul to ensure that his prized pussy-possessor is a happy camper.

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

So, when a woman says she was “abused” by a man who fits the above description, here’s what she’s really trying to say: “He said some things I didn’t like sometimes,” or, perhaps, he did the unthinkable and tried to hold her to some kind of standards; or, he wanted her to be accountable for her actions; or—gasp!—he occasionally asked her to do things she didn’t want to do.

Things like not coming home drunk at four o’clock in the morning, ceasing communications with men who used to fucked her, or simply requesting that she pick up after herself and clean up her messes—all of those things could be considered “verbal abuse” or “controlling behavior” simply because it’s shit she doesn’t want to hear.

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

On the other side of the coin, perhaps she has dated men who have been abusive towards her. If that’s the case, then the question becomes: “Why the fuck did you stay with the guy?” If a woman says she’s been hit or abused by a man, ask her how many times it happened. If the answer is more than once, then she’s a God damn idiot. What’s more: the very ugly and very real possibility may exist that she enjoys being abused.

That’s right: it’s a dirty little secret that few women will admit, but it’s true—some of them get turned on by abusive behavior. Some women live for the drama: they love it, they crave it, and they require it. And sadly, there are a lot more of them out there than you might think. Women will stay with abusive men for years on end and never once call the cops or even entertain the thought of leaving them, and that’s because they truly like what they have. In fact, many of these women are fiercely protective and have undying loyalty to these men. They would even defend them to the death if it came down to it.

“But you don’t understand, I was scared to leave!” said the pity party throwing woman who secretly loves a good ass whoopin’. Scared of what, exactly? The cops will come at a moments notice, taze and cuff the bastard, and then haul him off to jail. After that, she can head to one of the numerous women’s shelters available to her, or she can call one of her many friends for help; or she can go stay with a relative—the options are endless.

This idea that women have nowhere to go when they’re being abused is fucking ridiculous, especially if they’re good looking. A good looking woman who has no orbiters with free couches available? Bitch, please.

Women who date abusive men, choose those men. That’s all there is to it and don’t you ever think otherwise. Women have options in the dating world, and the option many of them choose is the piece of shit loser. Even to the most casual observer, the warning signs are there right off the bat that the vast majority of these guys are scumbags, yet women will get involved with them anyway because they get off on the danger and uncertainty.

These women are defective, plain and simple. And don’t let it slip it into your head that because a woman is “educated” or “intelligent” it somehow makes a difference in her choices—it doesn’t. Smart women are still women, which means they’re pretty fucking stupid.

Assessing Which Is Which

You might be wondering how you can tell the difference; how can you tell which men were truly abusive towards a woman and which ones were not? It’s easy: the ones who were abusive will be the ones who didn’t have jobs, were in and out of jail, or had drug and alcohol problems (even then, you should still be skeptical). The good men will be “boring,” hardworking, and most likely college educated or have decent a trade.

Women will volunteer information about their ex’s without much trouble, so there’s no need to stress about finding any of this out—they’ll spill the beans eventually. Additionally, get the guy’s name and look him up online if possible. I can just about guarantee that once you find him and see what he looks like, your reaction will be one of the following: “Yeah… there’s no way she didn’t know this guy was a piece of shit from the get-go,” or, “There’s no way this dude was beating up on a woman.”

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

“He used to beat me and call me a cunt! I’ve never been so scared of someone in my entire life!

Why You Should Avoid Women Who Claim Rape And Sexual Abuse At All Costs

He seemed like such a great guy when we first got together; he was very sweet and nice… but then he started beating me and calling me a cunt.

Exit Strategy

These women are completely unsuitable for any kind of serious relationship. If you’re a good dude who has no intentions of beating up women—which, lets be honest, you should be—then you’re either going to get dumped by a woman who prefers abusive men, or you’re going to get dragged through the mud by a woman who likes to make up bullshit stories to make herself seem like a perfect saint.

The latter will especially paint you out to be a terrible human being if she cheats on you and leaves you for another man. She needs to make her reasons for betraying you seem valid to any bystanders who may be looking on, and she’ll accomplish that by saying whatever it takes to make you out to be the bad guy—no matter how good you treated her in reality. “It” is always your fault, after all. Also, this behavior will be dialed up to 10 if you share a social circle or have the same colleagues, so beware.

On the other hand, if you’re the type of guy who has no problem beating on a woman, then you don’t really need any advice because you’re probably going to end up in prison for something anyway. Here’s the thing with beating up women: in order to abuse a woman, you have to either really love her, or really hate her. American women aren’t worthy of either of those emotions. So, if you have a mean streak or proclivities towards criminal conduct—don’t let it be a woman you go down for, they’re nowhere near worth it. Go rob a bank instead.

As for actually dumping these women: if they reveal any of this shit early on—as in the first few times you meet—then remove them from your life in the same way you would a rape claimer. As for the less extreme cases, keep things short term and bail if it looks like she’s catching feelings for you, and really get the hell out of there if you start catching feelings for her. Keep things to fuck-buddy status and never waver from that.

Your relationships with these women shouldn’t last more than eight weeks or so, and they must be kept away from anyone who is either: (A) important to you, or (B) can affect your livelihood—friends, workmates, bosses, family, etc. Save any and all text correspondence, and slowly fade out over time (she’ll probably drift off on her own anyway).

Personally, I cut and run right off the bat in the same way I do with the rape chicks. The sex just isn’t worth it at this stage in my life and I have a very hard time pretending to believe this nonsense anymore—my mind jumps right into “here we go with this shit again” mode and I bail. However, I can see how guys might want to keep some decent pussy around if the chick isn’t too bonkers. Just trust your gut and hit the bricks immediately if you sense trouble brewing.

In Closing

I’m just getting started, gentlemen. This article marks the beginning of what will become a regular series known as “The Red Flag Master List.” It began as an idea for a book, but it needs to be accessible to anyone who can make use of it. The top dogs here at Return Of Kings have been gracious enough to give me the space to publish this material, which will give it a much larger audience than it would receive otherwise.

As for what to expect—in each installment we will take a look at a particular deal breaker characteristic (or two) in detail, break it down, and examine your options when encountering a woman who possesses such a trait(s). The ultimate goal will be the completion of a comprehensive guide cataloging everything a man should be aware of when forming relationships with the opposite sex.

By the time this series is complete, you’ll be much more knowledgeable about damaged women and how to either avoid them, or turn their bullshit against them and use it to your advantage. We are at war here, after all, and it’s time to start winning a few battles (even if it’s just on an individual level).

Read More: The Major Flaw In Today’s Perception Of Domestic Violence 


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