Why You Should Emulate Jim Bob Duggar Of “19 Kids And Counting”

Why You Should Emulate Jim Bob Duggar Of “19 Kids And Counting”

Jim Bob Duggar is the patriarch on TLC’s reality television show “19 Kids and Counting.” Yes, Jim Bob has nineteen children—all by his wife Michelle. Jim Bob and his wife are devout Christians who take the Bible literally when it says that “children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward” so they have tried to have as many children as possible.

While you might not subscribe to Jim Bob’s religion or want such a large brood, there are lots of reasons to aspire to be like him.

Jim Bob gets as much sex as he wants

Jim Bob has a lot more sex than most guys, especially married ones. In an interview with Today, Michelle Duggar said: “In your marriage there will be times you’re going to be very exhausted. Your hubby comes home after a hard day’s work, you get the baby to bed, and he is going to be looking forward to that time with you.”

Her advice to other women is to “be available. Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when he calls.”

Granted, not everyone would want to sleep with Michelle Duggar. This is a valid objection. Michelle is a little past her prime (she is pushing 50), but if you make allowances for the 80s fashion and hairstyle, young Michelle was actually attractive.

Why You Should Emulate Jim Bob Duggar Of “19 Kids And Counting”

Young Jim Bob and Michelle

Others might raise the objection that Jim Bob has limited himself to sleeping with just one woman. This is also a valid objection, but seducing good-looking women takes time and effort, even for alpha predators. And not all guys are irresistible alphas. If you happen to look like Jim Bob, it might take a lot of effort, so Jim Bob’s deal is actually pretty good.

While Jim Bob says he treats his wife like a queen, it still pays off. Michelle takes care of his needs. She has a home cooked meal on the table and cheerfully tends to his brood. There are many other men who treat their wives or girlfriends like queens and get TV dinners and no sex in return.

Jim Bob is not a wage slave

Early in their marriage, Jim Bob and Michelle made the decision to live debt-free, and it was a decision that paid massive dividends. Living debt free means that they are not able to play “keeping up with the Joneses” by accumulating status symbols like expensive cars and designer clothes. Instead, they shop at thrift stores and follow the motto “Buy used and save the difference.” This kept living expenses low and freed Jim Bob from the wage slavery that accompanies working for an employer.

Instead Jim Bob started his own used-car business—the first of several successful businesses that he ran. Today, Jim Bob is a multimillionaire. While some of this is due to his television show, the rest can be attributed to frugality and entrepreneurship. Even without the show, Jim Bob would be financially well off.

Jim Bob is self-sufficient

Jim Bob tries to avoid paying someone to do something he could do himself. The Duggars currently live in a 7,000 square foot home that Jim Bob purchased as a kit for $82,000. Jim Bob, his sons, and fellow church members assembled the home. The Duggars treated the building of their house as a learning project: experts such as electricians and plumbers were only called in to teach Jim Bob and his sons how to do each task.

This mindset continues today. On a recent episode he had new carpeting installed at a rental property but made his boys “help out” thereby learning the trade for future endeavors.

Why You Should Emulate Jim Bob Duggar Of “19 Kids And Counting”

Duggar Family House

Jim Bob is having an impact on the world

Most modern day parents abdicate their duties as primary educators of their children to the state and to popular culture. Jim Bob, on the other hand, has done a great job of instilling his values into his nineteen children. Assuming that each of his children has ten children, that will mean that within a few years, Jim Bob will be the patriarch of over 200 people. Few men are fortunate enough to establish that kind of a legacy.

Additionally, Jim Bob takes his role as father seriously. While many modern day dads provide little to no guidance about relationships and marriage, Jim Bob makes a point to teach his children the importance of picking a suitable husband or wife. And by home schooling his children and monitoring Internet and phone access he has managed to prevent the culture from corrupting them.

Additionally Jim Bob’s strict approach successfully prevents his daughters (and sons) from becoming promiscuous. No father, no matter how “progressive,” wants to see his daughters become grist for the serial pump and dump mill, and Jim Bob’s method has been successful so far.

The Duggar girls prove that not all western women are beyond hope. They were taught to cook, clean, and save themselves for marriage. And if they are like their mother, they will never deny their husbands sex. Jackpot.

Why You Should Emulate Jim Bob Duggar Of “19 Kids And Counting”

Jessa Duggar and Husband

The Duggar’s way of life is obviously counter-cultural. It might be too extreme for some men, but we can all still learn a little from Jim Bob’s approach.

Read More: On The Importance Of Family


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