Marriage rates have been plummeting since culturally suicidal feminism was unleashed like a plague on Western society. Women aren’t marrying, because in many cases they’re not worth putting up with in Anglo America, and in others they’re too busy living the Have It All™ lifestyle. They’re also not having children, and this is having numerous consequences beyond the demographic extinction of white people.
As a result of this dearth of marriage, children, and family we can expect to see a spinster bubble forming in America in the next few decades. Women, who already consume far more government resources than they pay in, will need even more largesse from Big Daddy Government as they become old and frail. They will not have a husband or children to look after them in their old age. Fluffy cats don’t push wheelchairs and drive women to doctor’s appointments.
Women will demand Beta male take dollars to pay for the services they need. Are you willing to foot the bill?
Career Girl Consequences

The Have It All lifestyle leaves women lonely in their Twilight Years
Establishment media rag U.S. News and World Report recently awakened to this reality, brought on by 50 years of man-hating and female empowerment. It did a story on career girls who are starting to realize the repercussions of the barren, Have It All™ lifestyle when their pussy power rating falls to negative numbers.
When Carol Marak was in her 30s, she asked herself whose life she wanted: her brother’s – the life of a successful and well-traveled businessman – or his wife’s – the life of a woman whose career better accommodated raising three children. The answer was a no-brainer: “My brother was in a position I wanted,” says Marak, now a 64-year-old editor at who lives in Waco, Texas. Although she had been married and divorced earlier in life, at that point she had no kids and “made a very conscious decision” to keep it that way, she says.
“My career was No. 1 in my life,” says Marak, who worked in the technology industry for years.
That previous statement along with the following one proves women are consummate users and abusers of not only male utility value, but the utility value of their own children. She only wants children now that she needs somebody to take care of her decrepit, old ass.
But today, Marak and her single, childless contemporaries are facing a repercussion of their decision that never crossed their minds as 30-somethings: “How in the world will we take care of ourselves?” she asks.
Indeed, how will they take care of themselves. My answer is: Sounds like your own fucking problem, feminists. It is supreme irony that women often bitch and moan about being seen as sex objects, but refuse to acknowledge their objectification of men—and even their own children—as utility objects!
There is one bright spot in all this. Men, self-reliant utility objects that we are will not feel the crunch of aging quite like women, who should be left to live lonely lives because they left men lonely in the prime of our lives. Why give women the best 50 years of our lives when they refuse to give us the best 10 best years of their lives?
After the female expiration date, most women literally have nothing to offer but baggage. (Ladies, we don’t give a damn about your education. We want good companions and life partners, not good corporate drones.)
Pay Up, Beta Males

Aging women got their Alpha Fucks in the youth, now they need even more Beta Bucks in their old age
So who’s going to be left holding the bag, another unnecessary drag on society brought about by statistically sterile women? Why the Beta males women refused to marry and refused to have sex with in their youth.
Even the YouGoGrrl dominated PuffHo editorial staff is getting wind that feminism is a bad deal for women as they age, and has been trying to put out a counter narrative, one that states—you guessed it—it’s men’s fault for preferring nubile, young women rather than wrinkled old bags who ignored them and gave their attention and sexuality to bad boys and top tier Alpha males in their youth, while neglecting, using and abusing the “good guys” they’ll need later in life.
Vintage wine is savored. Vintage cars exclaimed over. Vintage clothes coveted. Yet the vintage woman remains uncelebrated. From the moment we are born society sets expectations of us. We are expected to walk and talk by a certain time, predicted to have mastered literacy and numeracy at a certain age. Our worlds are pre-designed for us and we fit into the flow as best we can. Youth is a jumble of growth and learning and the space where dreams and ambition are sparked. Feelings of invincibility abound and we are frequently told that the world is our oyster. Nobody tells the carefree 25-year-old female that in another 25 years she’ll be invisible.
What goes around come around, girls. It seems nature is not without a sense of humor, nor is it without a sense of justice. At age 25, Beta males are invisible to women in their prime. However, later in life these same men will be sought after by women of all ages to pay for things.
Just as the Spinster Bubble starts to inflate, men need to start dropping out of the economy and refusing to pay for this insanity with their hard-earned tax dollars. I personally encourage and teach men how to live lives of minimalism, living well on much less than they’re told they need by society. Going Galt is an extension of the minimalist philosophy. As stated by John Galt in Atlas Shrugged:
There is only one kind of men who have never been on strike in human history … the men who have carried the world on their shoulders, have kept it alive, have endured torture as sole payment … Well, their turn has come. Let the world discover who they are, what they do and what happens when they refuse to function. This is the strike of the men of the mind.
Men refusing to support the very women who rejected them is the ultimate retribution for feminism. Let these aging women take care of themselves.
Read More: Crazy Spinster: “Single Women Should Have Weddings!”
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