Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Sci-fi used to be an action-packed, thought-provoking genre of storytelling. Sometimes sci-fi stories can even be prophetic. Here’s a great article about an Isaac Asimov sci-fi/mystery and how our culture is slowly becoming like the sci-fi dystopia in the story. But the genre is not what it used to be.

Women are taking over sci-fi. Men are there but they are second fiddle. They’re the muscle when the muscle is needed, but sci-fi stories are predicated on the need for intelligence more than physical strength. Women now fill that role as often or more often than men. That might be emasculating as it is, but the portrayal of men in sci-fi is where the contrast really becomes clear.

When men aren’t weak beta cucks they’re brainless muscle power. Women solve the complex solutions and give orders to the men. We see how feminism is taking over sci-fi in several ways.

The Brilliant Beautiful Scientist

There is a new archetype appearing in many sci-fi stories; the brilliant beautiful scientist. This is a woman with beyond-genius level intellect. She’s usually either bitchy or brooding. When some moment of epiphany is needed to solve the equation or defeat the alien, she has that moment. The most unbelievable part is that she’s also beautiful. Attractive women can be smart, but very few have the work ethic to be the best of the best in a field (if they even have a field).

Here are some examples of the Brilliant Beautiful Scientist:

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

These are the scientists who save human life in Interstellar

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Just look at the size of that equation she solves

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Sandra Bullock in Gravity

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Amy Adams decodes an alien language in Arrival

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Jennifer Connelly in the day the earth stood still

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Rebecca Ferguson is the scientist that makes the hard calls in Life

Not long ago, leftist media tried to push the brilliant beautiful forensic scientist on us. The two best examples of that are the lead actress in that show Bones and that hippy gothic girl in NCIS. It didn’t catch on, but Hollywood is tenacious.


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Men’s Roles in Feminist Sci-Fi

Amazon Prime recently released a sci-fi show based on the stories of Phillip K. Dick called Electric Dreams. It had great production value and was very well-made. Of the ten episodes, five have female protagonists, one has children protagonists, the remaining four have male protagonists. These males explain how feminism is taking over sci-fi.

In one episode, Steve Buscemi stars as a beta male who falls in love with a hot red-headed robot. He does beta stuff for her and is manipulated by her, even though he already has a wife. By the end of the episode, the wife has left Buscemi to have a lesbian affair with the hot ladybot.

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

He gets cucked by the girl who manipulates him

In another episode, a morbidly obese man starts to rebel against the state and is hunted down because of it. The obese man is married to a fatty. The fat wife is shown in several scenes to be fantasizing over an attractive man in a coffee ad. A fat, beta man on the brink of being cucked by his fat wife.

Another episode shows a guy working a crappy job and saving his money so that he can be with his long-distance girlfriend. She doesn’t want to be with him though—she wants to live in the big city because she loves her job more than him. Just when you think he might gain some self-respect he sacrifices himself to entertain an old lady. The fourth story with a male protagonist is about an old man and his relationship with his son.


The best example of how feminism is taking over sci-fi today is the critically acclaimed Annihilation. In Annihilation, brilliant beautiful scientist Natalie Portman misses her Army special forces husband who is believed KIA. He comes back one day in a weird state. Covert soldiers pick her and her husband up and take them to a secret facility.

It turns out his Army unit was in an alien-inhabited zone. All died except for him. Natalie Portman decides she has to go in, along with brilliant beautiful scientist Jennifer Jason Leigh and a couple more BBSs, and find out why her husband is the way he is. She owes it to him.

Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Once there, we learn the reason she owes it to him. While her husband was deployed Natalie Portman was cheating on him. Her guilt drives her to make it up to him by trying to cure him. By the end, she and the other lady scientists have figured everything out. Natalie Portman does what teams of green berets couldn’t do for years.

This film has it all: not one but four brilliant beautiful scientists and a man easily cucked. The BBS solves the problem and renders the solution, thereby absolving her of her guilt for cheating on her husband. She gets to have her cake and eat it too.

For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.

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