Women with plenty of time to think about how men should treat them.

I wrote this as a comment on the good Captain’s site, but since it is stuck in moderation I thought I would share it here as well.

In the Captain’s post 300 is NOT a Date Movie, he shares the rather prodigious advice he received from a woman after she set him up on a date.  You have to read the whole spinster manifesto for full comic effect, but bullet point 37 caught my attention (emphasis mine):

Make a lady feel like a lady. I don’t know any woman who are over 30 and single that don’t want to be treated like lady. Open doors, pick them up, walk them to their doors, etc. Like the guys in the romantic movies. Women over 30 who are single have had a lot of time to think about “how” they want a man to treat them.

Having failed in their quest to find a man for over a decade, they of course spend their time contemplating… what men should do differently.

See also:  Any blog by an unmarried woman.


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