Women’s sacred path to marriage is in danger.

Women crave the commitment of lifelong marriage and will naturally seek it out and hold their marriages together so long as they aren’t tricked into marrying the wrong man.  Young women’s hearts and feelings are like the nose of a bloodhound in this regard.  Their emotions will lead them to their perfect match, the man God intends them to marry.  Once they find this man they will not only marry but stay married.

But while women are gifted in knowing about relationships, men can only screw this up.  Unlike the pure hearts of women which seek out love, the hearts of men are corrupt and seek out lust.  Furthermore, young women need a certain amount of experience to learn how to hone their skills of soulmate tracking.  They need to learn how to follow their heart, and we need to give them this opportunity for the good of all society.  Otherwise women will suffer the fate of being trapped in marriage, after being somehow fooled into marrying the wrong man.  The unwitting woman is then forced against her will to kick the father of her children out of the house and collect cash and prizes.  The wellbeing of our future generations is at stake and we therefore must reorder our entire society to ensure that women’s perfect husband tracking instincts are allowed to function as God designed.

Crucial to this process is to avoid the biggest danger of all, that she marries the first man she has sex with.  The other danger is the risk of men interfering with the woman’s noble quest for love with their own ignoble quest for lust.  These men will not only trick women into being trapped in marriage, but also trick them into having sex without love and commitment.

To stave off these disasters we have created the optimal path for women to marriage.  Few dare to discusses something this sacred, but everyone knows this is what must be done for the good of society.  Women need to sample a series of men in mini marriages otherwise called Long Term Relationships.  In these mini marriages she practices the skill of falling in and out of love and experiencing sex and a romantic relationship with a series of men.  Once she has sampled enough men, her heart will tell her when she is with the man she needs to marry.  There is much mystery in how her heart accomplishes this, and only she and God can know.  Her heart is always right, so if she marries a man whom she later finds she can’t remain married to this is proof that she was somehow tricked by the man.  Her heart is the expert, and we need to ensure that she can follow it.  Our best defense against her heart being overruled is to fortify the young woman with the powerful forces of girlpower and moxie.  Scientists tell us that this is best accomplished by having her complete her college education and have her own career before trusting her heart to make the choice.  Once our noble marriage seeker has found the man she was destined to marry, she then hands him a special card which all women have (it comes from their magic hearts).

Women’s sacred path to marriage is in danger.

Click to see reverse.

It is then the man’s duty to do as the card instructs and man up and marry her.  So long as everyone involved follows this perfect script, all of our problems with unhaaapy marriages, broken homes and fatherless children will be solved!

But some men are tricksters and are threatening the entire sacred process.  These players lay in wait for innocent young women on their noble quest to have sex with a string of men until their heart tells them they have found the man they should marry.  The players are in it for sex, unlike the women who are in it for love and commitment.  Even worse, they have no intention of following instructions should they be handed a man up card.  They care nothing that the woman may have already invested a decade or more of her youth nobly sampling men for marriage potential.  This is downright trickery, and the players are putting the entire process of women finding Holy Matrimony in jeopardy!


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