I see from a CBN youtube video titled Worth the wait from March 8, 2019 that Wendy Griffith is now married:
CBN’s newly married Wendy Griffith and author of You Are a Prize to be Won! says it’s possible to live an abundant single life while you’re waiting for the right one.
In the video (below) she holds her long time frame, that God’s plan was for her to remain unmarried until her mid fifties, and that other women should follow her lead and never settle. This reinforces the fact that conservative Christian feminism outdoes even secular feminism, as secular feminist women are warning marriage delaying women to settle in their thirties, when the settling is good.
Still, I think if most of the women reading her book understood how long Wendy actually ended up waiting they would be horrified. As pleased as Wendy no doubt is to finally marry (and as pleased as I am for her), I don’t think many young women would be comforted in their season of singleness to hear that they will marry a 59 year old man when they are 54*.
Either way, while this new feminist life model allowed Wendy to focus her youth on having an exciting high powered career, it rules out having children and goes against the Apostle Paul’s clear instruction in 1 Cor 7. Moreover, very few women will remain as attractive as Wendy has into their 50s. Modern conservative Christians are selling an absolutely poisonous life script to young women, and outside of the Christian Men’s Sphere and Lori Alexander I can find no pushback against it. To the contrary, what we see instead is hand wringing that weak men are screwing feminism up when the effects of the poison become noticeable.
Surprisingly, I don’t see any reference to her being married either in her CBN bio or her self description on Twitter.
Jesus Follower, Kilimanjaro Summiter, Co-Host of the 700 Club, News Anchor for the Christian Broadcasting Network & Author of You Are a Prize to be Won!
With that said, obviously it isn’t a secret that she is married, but she isn’t broadcasting his name so I’ll avoid further speculation on who he might be. As promised above, here is the video:
*Assuming she married “Bill” that she referenced in this podcast. Note that I originally had the ages incorrect in my last post at 55 and 60, instead of 54 and 59.
Related: Devouring a lifetime of courtship.
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