You’ll have to buy a few dinners on the road to finding your 53 year old dream girl.

As 53 year old never married Wendy Griffith explains in her book on how to find a husband, it is important for women to only date men who are willing to buy them dinner and desert.

God wants you to know that you are worth the price of dinner and dessert—and so much more! You are worth someone being “extravagant,” even lavish, over. After all, you are a daughter of the Most High King, a royal treasure, a beautiful masterpiece, a pearl of great price. You are a lady, and a true gentleman will recognize your value and act accordingly. Don’t settle and don’t forget to order dessert.

This way they know the man is chivalrous and old fashioned.  And if he has to wait a few years (or decades) while the woman pursues her career and savors her “season of singleness”, surely she is worth the wait.

Plus, the longer he waits, the more practice he will get at being chivalrous.  From the New York Post ‘Sneating’ is the online dating trend that feeds on chivalrous men

I could get used to hanging out with strangers for a decent meal. I’m hardly the first person to think of this — it even has its own dating term, “sneating,” which means sneakily chatting someone up solely for the purposes of a free meal — but I’m committed.

I started being more strategic about the guys whom I matched with on Tinder. Guys who said they were old-fashioned or knew how to treat a lady were in. They were the ones who were likely to pay on a first date.

H/T:  Nick Mgtow


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