Young People Are Returning To The Land

Young People Are Returning To The Land

After decades of rural exodus, the land is becoming popular again. The trend is rather discrete and seldom heard of inside the mainstream world, but it has been gaining traction for years. More and more Westerners have left the cities for the more open land, especially the young.

How could urbanites, raised with the idea that cities were cooler and more progressive, not to mention the comfort of having everything close from home, choose to switch to a hillbilly-associated lifestyle? The official narrative answers that, thanks to “progress,” city-dwellers became conscious about the environment and longed for closeness with nature, organic eating, and a healthy lifestyle, which motivated them to have it all in the countryside.

This may account for some bourgeois bohemians’ motivations but is far from the whole truth. Actually, most millennials leaving the metropolis for the country are adapting to harsh realities. Big cities have become unlivable. They are incredibly expensive and riddled with openly encouraged criminality. Good jobs have turned increasingly rare and the few remaining are handed out to women or HB1s.

Many of us managed to live a rather normal, blue-pilled life in the city at our parents’ home before being faced with the choice of either paying a high rent for a tiny, over-expensive downtown place, or living in some peripheral area for a lower price while being forced to commute every day. When you consider all these factors, the previously unimagined option of getting a plot of land and living off it with no boss, no HR, no thugs, more space and everything cheaper becomes a lot more interesting.

Young People Are Returning To The Land

For years I have been witnessing a quiet, yet growing interest in survivalism among French speakers. A seasoned “prepper” from Québec has gained traction from blogging on various agricultural, independent living and preparing for collapse issues.

On the other side of the pond, the YouTube channel France Survivalistes enjoys a discreet yet steady success. Videos on how to spot and secure a cheap piece of land or how to buy a shotgun without a license soared, respectively, reaching beyond 140,000 and 280,000 views, suggesting it is becoming a substantial niche. Several books have also been issued by dissenting editors, including Piero San Giorgio’s Surviving The Collapse which became an Amazon bestseller without any MSM cover.

On a more conventional note, community-supported agriculture associations have been multiplying since 2001.

Many leave the cities to try their fate in the countryside. Some grow vegetables and raise animals. Others create rural holiday accommodations, educational farms, small-scale grocery stores, or play the tour guide… all of them have one thing in common: they want to be close to the land and run sustainable environmental projects. (Source)

This is not about French speakers. Greek millennials, after years without a job in the city they were born into, went green. North Americans did the same.

The neo-feudalism of today’s economy, where large corporations use large masses of the underclass via government funded conduits to earn money, allows for others to seek fortunes elsewhere and by other means… It would take shared goals, ideals, and beliefs–and it would not look like a back-to-the land farming movement, but rather a back-to-the-land pioneering spirit to build up small towns and rural areas, using location independent workers, technology, and the rejection of the progressive status system. For small towns and little cities, it would not take many individuals to co-locate and transform a community of 5,000, or even 10,000. (Social Matter, “The First Reversal of Urbanization”)

Young People Are Returning To The Land

Less factories, more machines, and a never-ending quest for cutting costs even in widely beneficiary companies mean fewer jobs. Affirmative action means even less jobs for us. The megacities are overpriced and hold no future for us. They were appropriated by parasitic boomers, thugs, whores on freewheeling female hypergamy, and globalists. Most women living there are supported by the State, NGO or sugar daddies, which makes the place very much like a harem for rich men—or those daring and clever enough to pick up there.

On the other hand, living off the land, selling the occasional surplus and freelancing allows for a more rewarding life. Especially when it lets room for local community-building. If you consider starting a family or a tribe, the countryside is much safer, cheaper, and suiting to viewing things long term.

We should both reject the idea of mass urbanization as a good, and we should physically abandon them ourselves as well. In the short term, this means that each of us should move out of the cities for the countryside as soon as it is practical to do so. In the long term, it means accepting the idea that the Restoration must involve a recentering of society, from one centered around megacities to one centered around a “manor culture”, led in both a cultural and political sense by country squires who form a de facto or de jure aristocracy. (Anti-Dem, “An Introduction to Squirearchy”)

The leap is challenging though. First, besides losing the many nearby shops you could go to in the metropolis, you inherit a number of physically demanding tasks. You also have to care about the weather, land fertility, and a number of natural things the cities shielded us from. Second, the Eye of Soros is already projecting its dark glare there, and the left has been busy trying to demonize survivalists while appropriating the trend towards the land.

Young People Are Returning To The Land

Middle and right: aforementioned Piero San Giorgio and Vic Survivaliste

The agrarian associative world, which was a bulwark of resistance against commies decades ago, is now under constant pressure to walk crooked like everyone else, at least on surface. Just check their lingo, their marshmallow pastel tones, or the smug liberal faces on at least some farmers’ markets. The WaPo article quoted above only interviews female farmers, female consultants and female executives (surprise: it was written by a female journalist). Some bourgeois bohemians use their wealth and connections to buy land easily then promote miscegenation along the way.

Liberals can’t help but poison what they touch. Their narrative conveniently opposes a supposedly male corporate world to female or emasculated organic growers. When the virtue-signaling lesbian sisterhood members might benefit from student loan forgiveness and free taxpayer moneyfarm transition programs,” the truly independent know they will have to rely on themselves.

For decades the left did conspicuously not care about peasants. They were not included into the fashionable urban proletariat—those who fed everyone else were deemed reactionary, uneducated hillbillies whose land should be seized in the name of “modernization.” Neither did these destroyers of the West invent organic farming, which owes much to traditionalists like Lord Northbourne or Rudolf Steiner. In the 60s, the pampered sons of then well-off middle classes appropriated it while keeping the typical Marxist mindset. Today their ideological heirs are doing the same.

But even then, things might take an interesting turn. A friend of mine, who associated with New Agers before he took the red pill, told me of a community of neo-hippies in central France who had hired security—and they didn’t care if the bodyguards leaned right as long as they did their job. Also, even leftists start to understand the value of hard work and the legitimacy of roots, property, and inheritance when they start growing life off the land.

Living off the land means getting back in touch with the very world. Just as when you’re bulking on a budget, growing foodstuff is by no means virtual or for the sake of appearances. And perhaps this matters even more than the grown food itself. As the Romans said, soli sol soli—the land owes everything to the Sun.

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