I know you’ve been busy wasting your time on whatever it is you like to waste time on, but now it’s time to focus on the really important stuff in life, like getting more women! Yeah! Because that will solve all of your problems. So here are some ways to stay ahead of the competition.
1. Jogging Game
Any runners in the house? As tipped off by one of the RVF’s daygame experts, Giovanny:
I’ve opened girls while jogging around tracks, jogging in the street, and most effectively…while running or hiking on popular trails and pathways. The type of trails and “walks” that are talked about in running magazines and listed in touristy travel guides. Many of them are in state, county, and national parks. These trails and other popular high traffic areas attract a lot of tourists. Jog in these high traffic areas if you want a lot of targets!
Think jogging at Venice Beach or Miami Beach. Or Ipanema. Or Central Park. Or The Magnificent Mile.
I once met a Canadian tourist while jogging along The Embarcadero in SF. She was taking pictures, I stopped and asked were she was from. The next day I took her for a ride on my brothers harley davidson. Bang.
I used to live near a popular high school in a swanky neighborhood. The school track was open to the public. Many people would go there to jog, run, use the pull up bars/dip bars/parallel bars/rings, or play soccer or football on the astro turf field. There was a bit of a pick up culture to that track. I met a russian milf (got #, date, no bang)
There was a running club there. The girls were amazing! Seriously, like two 9′s, four 8′s, and three 7′s in that running club. Running clubs are no joke talent wise!
I have even opened girls who were running on the treadmill at the gym. But, never successfully.
I think looking sharp is the biggest thing. You want a jogging outfit that “pops”. Ideally, it would show off your body and also be stylish. That’s the first thing that catches their eye. Then you have to come strong with your opener.
Edit: Jog at University track!
But won’t a man look too sweaty and disheveled to spit game while jogging?
When you are running and your heart is pumping. You often have adrenaline pumping through your body, sometimes you get a “runners high”. Your mind is clear and you feel charged and energized.
This is a good time to talk to chicks. You can sometimes spit your strongest game in this state.
There you have it. If you’re a runner, you have no excuses now!
Game Innovation Rating: A
2. Hospital Game
Now, technically, hospitals are necessary social institutions which takes care of the sick and injured. But who is to say can’t we use such a venerable institution for “other” purposes? RVF regular Lothario educates us:
Venue / University hospital: lets just say for example Jackson Memorial hospital @ Univ of Miami, Vanderbilt Univ hospital in Nashville, Georgetown Univ hospital in DC
The bigger the hospital the better but any medium sized hospital will do, Univ hospitals have more targets because of the affiliated paramedical fields like pharmacy, nursing etc
Why ? Target rich…. more women work at hospitals compared to men (Certified Fact)… for example there are…….
Nurses, Nursing students, Physical Therapists, Radiology technicians, Medical Assistants, Residents, Interns, Med Students, Nurse Practitioners, Dietitians, Psychologists, Pharmacy students (Phramacy School deserves a special mention) and Students/Interns doing clinicals in medical related fields specifically at teaching hospitals.
Timing: Best time to go is around Lunch time, Hang out/eat lunch at the main cafeteria , also try benches/picnic tables in out door areas, Girls eating food/reading book .
Angles to Play: for those of you who know something about Medicine, fabricating any story should not be difficult depending upon the girl, For other playas …. come up with some thing like….
1. You are VP of sales for a Software company negotiating a deal on a Medical Billing software with the hospital….. and just getting lunch and have to meet some one later……..
2. You were visiting your Aunt who is getting chemotherapy etc…..
3. You work for a recruitment Company and visiting the Nursing College/ Pharmacy School’s placement office if some one is looking for a Job in a particular area such as CVC etc is looking for a pharmacist in that area/new medical office complex needs Certified Nursing assistants etc…..
4. I personally like this one “Working for a medical device Company and just moved here from Miami working out a deal with the hospital”
Chit chat /Banter whoever comes in the Target Zone, tell them you are new to the area and would like to make some new friends etc Get the numbers and set up drink dates for later in the evening….. You all know how to do the rest……..
Some of these girls are horny as hell and they never get approached and because of the Abundance Theory are DTF, There are more women then men in the hospitals, These girls like to see you in the Provider role, so make sure you DHV the hell out of them
Dress: Going suited will help , trust me on this one……. Thanks to G, Girls sometimes stop/stare on days I am suited….
or get a pair of Scrubs and make an excuse you were in the Operating Room volunteering etc……
Volunteering: If any one can spare time in summer , A lot of girls aspiring to go to med school, nursing school , pharmacy school volunteer during summer vacation to enhance their resumes.
Contact the volunteer dept at the hospital, even if you can volunteer for 2 hrs/week you will develop a lot more credible story and will also get to spit game on fellow volunteers……..
Starbucks: Do not forget ur latte at the hospital Starbucks/Coffee shop, you will always find targets there……..
GiftShop: Looking for flowers for ur Grandma……
Hospital Game can basically be an off shoot of Day Game and can provide playas with a fresh and target rich venue when you are running out of places to spit game……..Something to do, Give it a try and let me know how it goes………….
You’ll have to forgive the text-speak. Lothario probably wrote that down on his cell while inside of a hospital. However, the ideas are sound. After all, who would expect that the well-dressed man inside of the hospital is actually there because he needs some new poonani?
Game Innovation Rating: A
3. Tarot Card Game
We all know that the more irrational something is, the more women love it. That’s why tarot cards can be a worthy investment for the guy who loves to create a strong connection based on absolutely nothing. Hey, no one can help it that women are stupid. But we sure can take advantage! RVF poster Kwisatz elaborates:
I read an article in a psychology forum about the different thought processes that men and women generally go through. One contributor briefly touched on women’s propensity for “Magical Thinking”, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_thinking. Another contributor cited the almost exclusively women’s realm of Tarot Reading as a prime example of Magical Thinking.
I like to challenge myself with new and interesting ways to enthrall women so after an evening of scouring the internet I added a few decks of Tarot Cards to my Amazon Wish list. Less than a week later, a woman bought me a deck.
I can safely say this:
1) I am a complete fraud with Tarot!
2) 100 % of Spirit Mediums, Tarot Readers, and their associated disciplines are frauds as well!
3) I haven’t had this much fun at someone else’s expense in quite a while!I read two articles that taught me everything I know about how to be a Tarot Reader. Its all Game and Set-Ups. In less than 5 minutes I have had every woman I have done this to convinced that I am supernatural and know things about them that demonstrate my ability to “really see inside a person”, that’s a direct quote.
Doug Bolden at http://www.wyrmis.com/journal/2009/11/19…-tips.html wrote the following:
“Some quick tips to improve a cold-reading session with tarot, tea-leaves, etc
Cold-reading, as the term is applied to various forms of fortune-telling, is just making stuff up. Sure, there is a knack and whatnot to it; but at its core, it is when someone sits down with the fortune-teller, and combinations of science and luck come together and the client walks away feeling a little dazed despite it being one big puppet show. They, by which I mean the types who make money off of this thing, all swear that you save cold-reading until those rare days you feel off, but it might be better to say that you rely on cold-reading except those few days you feel on.
There is a science to it, a practical con-man’s game of slicing bits of information out of conversation and then combining them with a thick pasting of inductions and guesses; but that is not what this entry is about. That takes natural talent and trained skill. This is about the sort of things that just about anyone can do. Here are my quick and easy tips to improve your cold-reading session, if you choose to have one (and yes, these come from actual fortune-telling types that I used to talk to and study from back in the day).
First, split your marks from your hard-makes.
Some people only touch stuff like fortune-telling because they utterly disbelieve it and they want to prove it false. They can be confrontational, and will often mention “I don’t like this crap” early on. Skim them out of the process. Ham it up for them, play it to the gills, and then laugh at yourself. If you do it right, they get show. If you do it wrong, they feel justified. Either way, they feel happy, and that’s your job (assuming you are making money off of this). Those who want to believe, the easy-marks, they treat tarot-readings like a psychotherapy session. They are practically needing to spill their guts to someone, and why not $15 for a tarot-reader rather than $200 for a head-shrinker? They will also divulge too much information, which in the end, helps you to make them happy. At worst, though, they get a chance to be heard. Customer satisfaction.
Second, ritual ritual ritual ritual ritual. Ritual.
I don’t care what, but you had best have a ritual. Take it slow, and steady. Knock on the table before picking up the cards. Only use your left hand. Something. Do not go into verbal discussions of the ritual, just make it known. It should take you ten or fifteen minutes minimum to do a good session. More time for them to talk, more time for them to be impressed, and more time for the hard-makes to expose themselves.
Third, mix clutter with a concentrated point.
Scatter random bits around the room, and then focus the attention on the relatively uncluttered table (which, by the way, has clutter on the edges). Make them feel like they are finding order in the midst of chaos.
Fourth, make them touch it.
If it’s a tea cup, they drink from it. If it’s a tarot deck, they cut it. They pull cards from it. They shuffle it. Whatever. Just make sure they think their vibe juice is all over the thing.
Fifth, skip rote but make it sound like you didn’t.
You want to screw up a card reading? Try and remember what a Five of Wands means when it follows a Tower card. Skip it. The customer might know about the cards, and be willing to argue with you, but unless you are willing to point out your Little Book of Tarot they prefer to have symbols and images on the cards themselves pointed out. What does a Five of Wands mean according to said Little Book? Who cares? That means nothing next to pointing out the haystack in the background as a symbol of needing to start saving. The best thing about this whole thing? You need nothing but the cards or leaves themselves. Someone thrusts their palm into your hands, and you can blather on about the life line and such, but you want to especially notice the little knicks on the line, and the strange tapering.
Sure, 90% of palms have that tapering, but how many palms have they seen. Make. It. Up. And make it a little micro-epic. They are there because they want to matter. They paid you money for it. Say they matter because the cards never lie and there’s a haystack and that means they matter, and when you say it, make it sound like that the haystack is especially for them, while also a symbol everyone knows, as decreed by the cards. Which brings me to…
Finally, short declarative zen-master sentences.
Say something declaratively, but back off the definite unless the definite is somehow so precise as to be almost nonsensical. Do not say “Your recent girl troubles”, say “Underlying issues with personal relationships, not all of which you are aware of…”. Do not ask “Have you recently met someone?” (they always do this in the movies, alas) but instead say “The new person whose name you are not sure of…” Maybe bust out a “Keep an eye out for red flowers on a sunny day, a body of water nearby but of unsure size, and her name is Lisa” every once in a while. They’ll spend the next year remembering that line.
If you do it right, they will spend the next decade remembering that line.
Remember kids, have fun at parties, and never try any of these on the strange girls in black shirts sitting in the corner. Not unless you want to waste an afternoon.
Si Vales, Valeo”
The second article was about “The Forer effect, also called the Barnum Effect after P. T. Barnum’s observation that “we’ve got something for everyone.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forer_effect
“You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. Your sexual adjustment has presented problems for you. Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others’ statements without satisfactory proof. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. Security is one of your major goals in life.”
I used those two articles to form what I said for the first few times I used my Tarot. After that I realized I could say anything that came to mind and they’d eagerly swallow it down as gospel. I usually throw in a few gems about their “needing a change”, “looking for something more powerful than themselves”, and/or needing to “explore things once held as taboo”. Those there I remember, I generally make up whatever is necessary for the woman in question to hear at the time to have her do what I want to later.
While everything said above is pretty damn clever, I cannot see myself carrying around a deck of tarot cards, nor do I think the average guy will either. However, if I, or you, happen to see some tarot cards in her room, now we have the knowledge to lay it on thick and heavy.
Game Innovation Rating: B
You’re welcome.
Read Next: 3 Game Innovations You’ve Never Heard About
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