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Alpha Is Anything
When most men think of an “alpha male,” they think of some tall, young, and cool man who’s got impeccable style and class. They think of this: But the above… read more
A Woman’s Sexual Experience Means Nothing
Quite possibly my least favorite blue pill belief is the idea that a woman should be judged on her prior sexual experience. It leads men into a false sense of… read more
3 More Game Innovations You’ve Never Heard About
I know you’ve been busy wasting your time on whatever it is you like to waste time on, but now it’s time to focus on the really important stuff in… read more
10 Best And Worst Countries For An American Man To Find A Wife
Thanks to the Department of Homeland Security, men now have hard data available on where American men have been finding their wives. HINT: Most stereotypes you know about foreign brides are true. How can… read more
Game Does Not Need Science
Perhaps one of the most frequent and annoying criticisms made of game is that it has not been verified by science. Usually a claim made by pseudo-intellectuals who have a difficult time… read more
The Father Of Relationship Game Shares His Secrets
Long before PUA became mainstream, Thomas Hodges wrote The System: The Dating Dictionary, a manual advocating specific strategies for securing long-term relationships with the ever feisty American woman. The System… read more
5 Reasons Why Every Man Needs Partner Dancing
Partner dancing can be found in almost every major city. The dances and styles vary, but most cities have one of the follow three types of partner dancing: Salsa/Bachatta (almost… read more
Passive Game vs. Active Game
When men think of the word “game,” there is a lot of confusion when trying to pinpoint which behaviors attract a woman. Men usually break down into two camps. “He… read more
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